Avoid The Biggest Job Search Myth

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December 19, 2013

Be sure not to let this one big job search fib get in the way of your dream job.

By Angela Rose for BioSpace.com

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines fib as “An untrue statement about something minor or unimportant.” Most of us have told one or two before, when we complement our mother’s desiccated Thanksgiving turkey, for example, or express admiration for our cousin’s Christmas-themed sweater. Unfortunately, the biggest fib told this time of year, namely “Don’t bother to job search during December,” is anything but, for what could be more major or important than your livelihood? The next time someone repeats this untrue statement, counter it with these reasons why the holidays are actually one of the best times to pursue the next step in your biotech or pharmaceutical career.

1. Biopharma recruiters are still pursuing candidates.

Many people take a few days off towards the end of the year to celebrate the season with family and friends. However, it’s still business as usual the rest of the month. According to an ExecuNet survey conducted in 2012, 65 percent of recruiters are available to jobseekers throughout December. In fact, 53 percent of those surveyed report conducting just as many—if not more—interviews near the end of the year.

2. Your competition is taking a break.

Many biopharma professionals will believe the industry’s biggest job search fib despite evidence to the contrary. Those who were actively looking for their next position will choose to put their search on hold. Those who were thinking about making a change will postpone submitting resumes or pursuing contacts until after the New Year. This means recruiters and hiring managers will have more time for you to dazzle them with your impeccable C.V., stellar qualifications and go-getter attitude.

3. Parties offer the perfect networking opportunity.

Biopharma professional organizations and associations often organize holiday gatherings this time of year, and you should make time to attend as many as you can. The relaxed atmosphere is conducive to friendly conversation, making it easier to score an introduction to the executives and decision makers who can be instrumental in your pursuit of a new position.

4. Season’s greetings are an excuse to reach out.

Whether you choose to send holiday cheer by email or Christmas card, don’t leave past managers and coworkers off your list. Someone may now be in a position to help you land an interview with a coveted company. Similarly, take the time to call up recruiters and contacts you’ve made within organizations of interest. Wish them a happy holiday, and remind them you’re still interested in new opportunities.

December can be a hectic month full of holiday preparations and social obligations, but don’t let the biopharma industry’s biggest job search fib waylay your dreams of landing a new position. BioSpace.com, the leading online community for life science professionals, is here to help you connect with recruiters and hiring managers in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry—even during the holidays.

About the Author

Angela Rose researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues for BioSpace.com.

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