Avexa Limited Reports Superior Results in ATC Phase IIb Clinical Trial Update

MELBOURNE, Australia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Melbourne-based biotechnology company Avexa Limited (ASX:AVX) announced excellent 48 week data from apricitabine’s (ATC) phase 2b clinical trial. At week 48 the proportion of patients with HIV levels below detectable was over 90%. Patients who were initially treated with 3TC but who changed to ATC at week 24 also improved their response after their switch to ATC. Avexa also reported that the CD4 cell count of ATC treated patients continued to increase out to 48 weeks. Patients initially treated with 3TC and then switched to ATC doubled their levels of CD4 cell count at week 48 (after 24 weeks of ATC) compared to their CD4 cell count after 24 weeks of 3TC.