As Sanofi-Aventis (France) Calls Its Trial On Bird Flu Vaccine Promising, Healthcare Industry Today Offers Extended News Coverage

WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- The French pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventis has announced that preliminary results of a pre-pandemic vaccine for the H5N1 strain of bird flu are encouraging as it showed to be safe and well tolerated in 300 healthy volunteers.

Covering a whole range of health and healthcare topics, Healthcare Industry Today offers extensive news coverage of this hot issue. See:

-- Sanofi Aventis News - -- Bird Flu Virus News - About Healthcare Industry Today,

Indexing thousands of articles from over 4,000 news sources, Healthcare Industry Today provides the most comprehensive and up-to-the-minute information available on the web regarding the healthcare industry.

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In addition, Healthcare Industry Today provides news summaries on major companies and organizations such as Novartis Group, Pfizer or Sanofi-Aventis, and specific issues such as health insurance or illicit drugs.

Unlike Google News, Healthcare Industry Today focuses on pre-set newsfeeds edited by a team of experienced editors. It is published by the IPD Group which specializes in media monitoring services.

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