April, 2013 -- Interprotein Corporation (President, Masato HOSODA; Headquarters: Osaka, Japan; hereinafter “Interprotein”) today announced that Interprotein and Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (Headquarters: Osaka, Japan; hereinafter “Takeda”) have entered into an agreement on the molecular design of small molecule PPI inhibitors using INTENDD (INTerprotein’s ENgine for New Drug Design), a platform technology of Interprotein. Interprotein announced on December 27, 2011 that Interprotein and Takeda entered into a prior agreement on molecular design of small molecule PPI inhibitors (News Release only in Japanese), and also on November 22, 2012, that a desirable result was obtained through an examination under the agreement. The present agreement, whose theme is different from the prior one, was signed based on the result of this examination. Interprotein will conduct molecular design in terms of a PPI target proposed by Takeda under the present agreement, and Takeda will conduct drug discovery research based on the design.
Hirotsugu KOMATSU, Ph.D.
Interprotein Corporation
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