Aalto Bio Reagents Launches World’s First Commercially Available Venezuela Equine Encephalitis Virus (VEEV) Protein

On the occasion of the first market partnership for Japan Aalto Bio Reagents launches the first commercially available protein for the detection and diagnosis of Venezuela Equine Encephalitis NSP2 TC83.

Tokyo, Japan, October 17th, 2019 — On the occasion of the first market partnership for Japan Aalto Bio Reagents launches the first commercially available protein for the detection and diagnosis of Venezuela Equine Encephalitis NSP2 TC83.

Venezuela Equine Encephalitis is a mosquito-borne viral pathogen that causes Venezuela Equine Encephalitis or Encephalomyelitis (VEE). VEE can affect humans and animals alike causing flu-like symptoms and headaches in healthy humans and causing serious illness and death in the young, the elderly, and immunocompromised patients.

“This exciting VEEV NSP2 TC83 launch today marks the first in a series of dynamic new products coming from Aalto Bio in the emerging disease space,” said Philip Noone, CEO, Aalto Bio. “With this new VEEV NSP2 TC83 protein it enables our customers to bring superior, differentiating diagnostic end-products to market faster which will enable faster diagnosis, identification and treatment of these deadly viruses.”

The virus that causes VEE can be spread mainly by mosquitos that bite and infect humans and or animals. The virus can spread very quickly dependent on the subtype of VEE that is transmitted and the density of the mosquito populations near an outbreak region. Enzoonotic subtypes of VEE are endemic to certain geographical areas.

In the Americas, there have been 21 reported outbreaks of VEE to date. The virus was first isolated in 1938 and the outbreaks have incurred in the United States, Columbia, Mexico, Venezuela of most note in the Americas. VEE normally occurs after periods of long precipitation which cause the mosquito populations to soar.

One of the largest outbreaks of the virus occurred in Columbia in 1995 with 14,156 human cases with over 26 reported deaths. One of the key reasons for the outbreak was the large level of rainfall that season in Columbia. The other key item around the outbreak is the deforestation that caused a change in the mosquito species Aedes taeniorhynchus mosquitos which prefer to feed on equine populations, replaced Culex taenopius mosquitos which prefer to feed on rodents.

There is an inactivated vaccine available for animals which contains the C-84 strain for VEEV, and it is primarily used on horses. In the case of humans there is another rudimentary vaccine which contains the TC-83 strain and is only used to date on military and lab personnel. However, clinicians have found that the vaccine does have side effects and does not fully immunize the patient. The team at Aalto Bio believe their new protein will help further the development of a more mainstream vaccine which will give greater or full immunization to vaccine candidates and allow faster infield diagnostics of the virus. It should also be noted that during the cold war, both the U.S. and Soviet biological weapons program researched and developed the VEEV virus.

Welcoming this announcement, Julie Sinnamon, CEO of Enterprise Ireland said “Ireland is one of the world’s most exciting life science hubs in world, fueled by Ireland’s world class innovation and research ecosystem. Aalto Bio is an exemplary Irish company, making an impact around the world and is reflective of the leading innovation that emerges from Ireland. I’d like to congratulate Aalto Bio on today’s significant and important announcement as they launch the first commercially available protein for the detection and diagnosis of Venezuela Equine Encephalitis NSP2 TC83.”

About Aalto Bio Reagents Founded in 1978, Aalto Bio Reagents is a leading developer and provider of raw materials to the in- vitro diagnostics industry and to research laboratories globally. We serve the largest multinational companies in our industry with a broad range of purified human proteins; monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies; fungal, parasitic, bacterial and viral antigens; and disease state plasma for in- vitro diagnostic application.

Since the company’s inception, we have built strong working relationships with our clients who trust us to provide them with the highest quality raw materials to meet the exacting standards of their own product development requirements. Headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, the company is rapidly expanding both its product portfolio and customer base. For further information please visit http://www.aaltobioreagents.com Contact: Technical Sales Tel: +353-1-4900685 Email: info@aaltobioreagents.com

About Enterprise Ireland: Enterprise Ireland is Ireland’s trade and innovation agency, responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets. As a seed capital investor, Enterprise Ireland is the second largest investor in fintech companies in the world by deal count. With over 30 offices worldwide, our local sectoral specialists work with international customers to understand their unique challenges and match them with Irish suppliers that can deliver leading edge products and services. Our goal is to simplify and enhance the purchase process for international customers and build successful, long-term business relationships between international companies and Irish suppliers.