XOMA (US) LLC Announces Servier Has Initiated Phase 3 Gevokizumab Trial in Patients With Behcet’s Uveitis

BERKELEY, Calif., Sept. 27, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- XOMA Corporation (Nasdaq:XOMA) today announced its partner, Servier has received authorization to initiate the Servier-sponsored Behçet’s uveitis Phase 3 clinical trial in several European countries. The study is titled A randomisEd, double-masked, placebo-controlled studY of the Efficacy of GevokizUmAb in the tReatment of patients with Behçet’s Disease uveitis (EYEGUARD™-B). The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of gevokizumab as compared to placebo on top of current standard of care (immunosuppressive therapy and oral corticosteroids) in reducing the risk of Behçet’s disease uveitis exacerbations and to assess the safety of gevokizumab.