Wyatt Technology Corporation Introduces New DynaPro Plate Reader II With On-Board Camera Delivering Invaluable Insight into Sample Results

(SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA - June 20 2012) - Wyatt Technology Corporation, the world leader in absolute macromolecular characterization instrumentation and software, today announced the launch of an all-new version of its DynaPro Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Plate Reader. The DynaPro Plate Reader II is an evolution of the first system, but with the significant addition of an on-board camera capable of acquiring images of each well. The camera enables the collection of clean and easily interpretable images, as well as providing valuable insights into the optimal conditions for each sample. The new system also offers an expanded temperature range, enabling measurements from 4°C up to 85°C for greater flexibility in protein melting and aggregation analyses. The DynaPro Plate Reader II has been designed to provide unparalleled levels of ease-of-use, productivity, reproducibility and flexibility for the most demanding applications in the fields of formulation, stability, crystallography, vaccine development, compound aggregation, nanoparticle characterization, and any field in which determination of molecular or particle size and size distributions is valuable. Finally, the DynaPro Plate Reader II continues to be compatible with hundreds of industry-standard well plates in 96,384 or 1536 well formats.

For more than 30 years, conventional batch DLS was performed in the same, mind-numbing and labor-intensive way, which required analysts to stand or sit next to an instrument for hours, manually measuring samples one after another. The first DynaPro Plate Reader automated this entire process and has broken through the “one-at-a-time” barrier, allowing for the collection of more data in less time, with less effort and greater accuracy.

Automated DLS also provides a totally new level of repeatability, reproducibility and stability for classical, kinetic and thermal studies. The DynaPro Plate Reader II contains a stable, temperature-controlled enclosure that is free from dust, providing the ideal environment for performing the most exacting and reliable DLS measurements. Offering an expanded temperature range from 4°C up to 85°C, the new system enables more rapid and accurate response. In addition, the system can be fully operational and efficient even when not all of the wells of a plate are filled. The same samples can also be analyzed multiple times without having to empty and refill the wells, allowing for significant time savings. Equipped with inexpensive disposable well plates, the DynaPro Plate Reader eliminates the need for cleaning costly quartz cuvettes following each sample analysis to prevent contamination. Thousands of samples and solution conditions can be measured within a single plate for an unprecedented level of comprehensive and non-invasive biophysical characterization. Coupled with liquid handling robots, the DynaPro Plate Reader can also perform unattended for days, saving time in the lab.

For more information on the new Wyatt Technology DynaPro Plate Reader II, please visit www.wyatt.com or email info@wyatt.com

About Wyatt

Based in Santa Barbara, California, Wyatt Technology is the world’s leading provider of instruments for absolute macromolecular characterization. With over 40 years’ experience developing multi-angle light scattering detectors, working with customers in the biotechnology, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, academic and government arenas, Wyatt prides itself on its entrepreneurial spirit, and the uniqueness of its offerings. The Company’s groundbreaking technology and uncompromising levels of customer care make Wyatt the global hallmark in its field. For more information, please visit www.wyatt.com

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