Viralytics Ltd Positive Pre-Clinical Research Results On CAVATAK(TM) In Human Brain Cancer

12 December 2008, Sydney Australia: Viralytics Limited (ASX:VLA) Researchers from the University of Newcastle and Viralytics Limited have demonstrated the first step to “proof of concept” with the destruction of human brain tumours by CAVATAKTM , Viralytics’ lead product. This pre-clinical collaboration with leading international neurosurgeon, Professor Abhijit Guha (University of Toronto, Canada) is investigating the oncolytic activity of CAVATAKTM in mouse models of human brain cancer.

Earlier this year, Dr. Gough Au from the University of Newcastle and Viralytics delivered a poster presentation covering the positive oncolytic activity of CAVATAKTM in laboratory cell cultures of human brain cancer at the HMRI Conference on Translational Cancer Research held 10-12 September, 2008 in Newcastle (available at under Scientific Publications).

More recently, researchers at the University of Newcastle have demonstrated the destruction of human brain tumours by CAVATAKTM. In these studies, Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) tumours were grown on the backs of immune-compromised mice. A single dose of CAVATAKTM was injected directly into the tumour. Approximately three weeks after the CAVATAKTM injection, little to no tumour deposits could be detected in the mice. However, tumours injected with a normal saline solution were shown to be expanding rapidly (see below).