Leuven (BELGIUM) – July 23, 2010 – TiGenix (NYSE EURONEXT BRUSSELS: TIG) publishes the information in accordance with articles 15, 18 and 29 of the Belgian Act of May 2, 2007 and the Royal Decree of February 14, 2008, regarding the publication of major holdings in issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated Belgian market.
TiGenix has received a notification with regard to the participation in TiGenix NV of F&C Asset Management Ltd, having its registered office at 80 George Street, Edinburgh, EH238U, Scotland.
As a result of a transfer of securities carrying voting rights, F&C Asset Management Ltd manages a participation in TiGenix NV of 2,95% which lies below the threshold of 3%, out of an aggregate amount of 30,866,168 securities carrying voting rights in TiGenix NV.
Further details on the transparency notifications and major shareholding in TiGenix NV can be found on TiGenix’ website www.tigenix.com.
For more information, please contact:
Frank Hazevoets Chief Financial Officer T: +32 16 39 60 60 investor@tigenix.com