ROCKFORD, Ill. (June 10, 2010) — Thermo Fisher Scientific today announced the availability of the Thermo Scientific LightShift RNA EMSA Kit and the Thermo Scientific Pierce RNA 3' End Biotinylation Kit for research into RNA:protein interactions using non-radioactive methods.
The LightShift® RNA EMSA Kit is the first commercially available kit for research using RNA electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). The kit uses a biotinylated RNA fragment to probe protein samples. RNA:protein complexes are then monitored by changes in electrophoretic migration patterns. To detect these changes, the kit uses chemiluminescent detection methods that provide comparable sensitivity to radioactive detection. The non-radioactive detection method also produces X-ray results in one to five minutes, a vast improvement over 16-hour exposures typically needed for radioactive systems.
The easy-to-use LightShift RNA EMSA Kit includes all reagents required to set up and optimize protein:RNA binding conditions, a positive control for protein:RNA interactions and reagents for chemiluminescent detection of the nucleic acid interaction. The system is compatible with biotinylated RNA probes produced by a variety of methods, including the new Pierce® RNA 3’ End Biotinylation Kit.
The patent pending Pierce RNA 3' End Biotinylation Kit provides the reagents to produce bionylated RNA probes for use in chemiluminescent detection methods. The labeling reaction uses an enzymatic approach to ligate a single biotinylated nucleotide to the 3' end of an RNA strand that is 22 to 450 nucleotides in length. The reaction can be completed in 30 minutes to two hours. The resultant biotinylated RNA probes are produced at a fraction of the cost of synthetic biotinylated RNA probes.
The method used by the Pierce RNA 3’ End Biotinylation Kit preserves the RNA probe structure, which is be important in protein:RNA interaction experiments. The RNA probes produced by the kit can be used with the LightShift RNA EMSA Kit or to perform RNA pull-down assays, Northern blots or miRNA profile studies. The complete kit contains an unlabeled RNA strand to use as a positive control, a biotinylated-RNA probe standard, RNase inhibitor, glycogen and ligation-enhancing reagents.
For more information on either the LightShift RNA EMSA Kit or the Pierce RNA 3’ End Biotinylation Kit, visit or call +1-815-968-0747.