Therap is announcing the release of its interface to Sandata, DHCF’s mandated EVV data aggregator.
WATERBURY, Conn., Dec. 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Therap is announcing the release of its interface to Sandata, DHCF’s mandated EVV data aggregator. With the interface Therap’s EVV / Scheduling application provides seamless HIPAA compliant claims processing in compliance with the Section 12006 of the 21st century CURES Act. DHCF requires EVV data for claims for Participant-Directed Community Support (PDCS) services in the EPD and IDD Waivers. Therap’s documentation and Billing system supports service delivery for DC providers as well as providers in all US states with EPD and IDD waivers. Therap’s EVV application is primarily used with smartphones or tablets with GPS functionality and also supports offline check-in, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Fixed Visit Verification (FVV) as alternative methods of verification for situations where internet connectivity is limited or not available. The EVV application has reporting features for capabilities including attestation, service verification and caregiver tasks. Therap’s interface with Sandata / DHCF accumulates information on staff and individuals during visits for service provision that meet the Federally required data elements for EVV claims:
In addition to the EPD and IDD waivers Therap is also monitoring the development of the joint DHCF / DDS Individual and Family Support (IFS) waiver and will be prepared to support that program when it is implemented. The Sandata Interface upgrades Therap for current users processing claims with Billing and can be added as an upgrade for Therap users not currently using the Billing application. Therap also provides a comprehensive solution for service planning, tracking service delivery, and processing billing claims for prospective users. If implementing EVV in a timely manner is an issue, Therap’s application is a COTS and SaaS system that is bundled with training to provide a straightforward and rapid implementation. About Therap Source: SOURCE Therap Services |