The Third International Biofilm Summit in Collaboration with Cibus Tec

The International Biofilm Summit, addressing the main threat to food contamination, seizes the opportunity of its third edition on 23-24 October to take it to the next level.

The International Biofilm Summit, addressing the main threat to food contamination, seizes the opportunity of its third edition on 23-24 October to take it to the next level. This year, the conference sets up camp in Parma, Italy, thanks to its association with Cibus Tec, one of the largest and most innovative food technology exhibitions in Europe.

Parma, 12 June 2019 – After Brussels in 2015 and Lisbon in 2017, the International Biofilm Summit (IBS) 2019 will be gathering in Parma the best-in-class academic and industrial experts regarding food safety and biofilm contamination in the Food & Beverage industry.

We are extremely proud that we were able to come closer together with Cibus Tec, a worldwide reference”, explains George Blackman, CEO of the company REALCO and President of the IBS Council. “This emphasises the interest that the industry bears towards the issue of biofilm contamination which is one of the main threats of the market. More than 7 recalls per week in Europe are linked to a pathogen able to generate biofilms, which makes it a real concern for industrials. Not only in terms of public health – considering almost 3,000 people die each year in the United States from food-borne illnesses –, but also regarding profitability as hygiene crises are estimated to cost several billions of euros to stakeholders on a yearly basis! And this does not even take all the risks linked to liability and reputation management into account.”

This is precisely the reason why the IBS was first set up: raise awareness around biofilms – a main cause of contamination – and spread best practices to help prevent induced disasters. Biofilms are created by an accumulation of bacteria which develop a protective matrix made up of organic polymers allowing bacteria to resist conventional cleaning and disinfection tools, thereby helping them multiply exponentially.

We are particularly happy to welcome the Biofilm Summit this year”, adds Fabio Bettio, Brand Manager Cibus Tec. “This one-of-a-kind event attracts the finest brains at the forefront of science in general and of the industrial R&D specifically to always refine processes, warrant food quality and at the same time favour better conservation. Down the road, the obvious aim is to minimise food waste as more than one billion tons of food is lost each year to contaminations. We can expect that the eradication of biofilms will extend the shelf life of final products and as a consequence, reduce direct financial impacts. And what better platform to discuss these topics than Cibus Tec.”

This issue is far-ranging as it concerns the whole of the industry: from breweries and non-alcoholic beverage, to meat, fish and dairy transformation industries. It is estimated that 60% of food-borne illnesses are caused by biofilms on equipment surfaces of processed foods. The summit aims to give concrete solutions to get rid of them.

Frank Boelaert, from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), concludes: “It is a privilege to represent EFSA in a conference which brings together in our hometown leaders of the scientific world and industrials from all five continents. EFSA works actively with all its stakeholders in order to contribute to the protection of EU citizens”.

The International Biofilm Summit will take place in Parma (Italy) on 23 & 24 October 2019. The access is complimentary for members of the press. For an accreditation request, please send an e-mail to Marie Elise Adriansens (

For more information about the International Biofilm Summit:
Because of the constant challenge and crucial importance of efficiently managing hygiene in the Food and Beverage industries, the International Biofilm Summit was introduced 4 years ago with the purpose of raising awareness on the challenges of biofilms in industrial settings. The aim of the event is to share knowledge as well as build concrete solutions to improve quality in the food industry.

This year’s edition addresses: « Biofilm: contamination: The F&B Industry’s Biggest Threat to Profitability ».

The IBS is intended for Food & Beverage experts, Quality Managers, Production managers, from both industrials and hygiene companies, pioneers that want to anticipate and understand the science behind biofilm control.

2019 topics include: monitoring of zoonoses and food-borne outbreaks in the European Union, the use of DNA sequencing technologies for investigation of contamination routes in the food industry, antimicrobial tolerance in multispecies brewery biofilms, listeria management, ...

A great occasion to meet the finest selection of Biofilm-experts, Food Safety and Quality Control managers and develop some professional network!

For more information about Cibus Tec:

For more information about the European Food Safety Authority:

For more information about REALCO:
Realco is a Belgian biotech, which pushes back the boundaries of traditional chemistry by developing, manufacturing and distributing enzyme-based hygiene solutions and processes. It has become the world leader in the field of enzymatic hygiene and decontamination, thereby opening the way to solutions that are increasingly effective, economic and ecological. Realco provides innovative solutions both to private individuals and the food industry, as well as collective and commercial catering through its ongoing investments in research and development. With more than 50 employees, the company is constantly increasing its turnover. Realco also has a sales office in the United States (Realzyme) to boost its sales across the Atlantic.

For more information and illustrations:


Gaëlle Jacques
Cell: +32 498 42 01 74


Dominique Blackman
Cell: +1 937 760-6066

Cibus Tec:

Fabio Bettio
Cell: +39 342 7058696