The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse is changing its name to Center on Addiction.
Center on Addiction is rallying the country to take action with new tagline: “We can do this”
NEW YORK, May 3, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, a trusted nonprofit with a 26-year legacy of groundbreaking research, is changing its name to Center on Addiction. The change reflects its new direction: putting its knowledge into action in the face of the largest drug epidemic in U.S. history.
“Each day our nation experiences a loss comparable to that of a plane crash - more than 115 people die from opioid overdoses daily. These are our children, neighbors, parents and siblings,” said Joseph J. Plumeri, Executive Chair of Center on Addiction. “America is hurting. And the weak response to this deadly drug problem is a national disgrace.”
“We know what is needed to solve this crisis, and we’re eager to serve as the unifying voice our country needs to end this heartbreak,” said Creighton Drury, President of Center on Addiction. “If this epidemic continues at this pace, we will lose more than half a million lives in the next decade. We will not allow this to happen.”
Center on Addiction is unveiling a new visual identity as well: bold new brand colors of purple and gold, and a new logo. By combining a heart and a check mark, the logo represents the organization’s dedication to overcoming addiction with action and compassion.
“Losing my son to addiction was devastating. No parent should ever have to bury a child,” said Plumeri. “Together, we can do the impossible. Our movement will end addiction as we know it.”
About Center on Addiction
Center on Addiction is a science-based, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization focused on improving the understanding, prevention and treatment of addiction. Founded in 1992 by former U.S. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Joseph A. Califano, Jr., our purpose is to find, promote and enact the necessary solutions to address America’s deadly addiction crisis. For more information, visit
CONTACT: Catherine Tayloe Ross, Media Specialist, Center on Addiction,, (212) 841.5293, or Hannah Freedman, Communications and Digital Associate, Center on Addiction,, (212) 841.5206
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