Senova Systems, Inc.'s pH Scanner Takes Gold in Pittcon Editors Awards

Sunnyvale, CA (April 1, 2013) - Senova Systems, Inc. (USA) have announced that the company’s new product - the pHit Scanner - was voted the top new product at Pittcon 2013 (Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy) by the editors covering the show in Philadelphia. The Pittcon Editors’ Awards, started in 1996, recognise companies with the most significant and innovative new product introductions at the week long conference and exhibition. Editors nominate up to three new products and each nomination is subsequently presented, discussed and voted upon during a private roundtable discussion.

The pHit Scanner is the world’s first calibration-free pH meter and Senova Systems’ first product offering. Available for purchase starting this month, the pHit Scanner’s entirely new and unique technology platform incorporates an advanced sensor and electronics into a novel product design, eliminating glass electrodes and significantly enhancing usability compared to traditional pH meters. pH is one of the most widely measured properties in a diverse range of industries including pharmaceutical, medical, chemical, academic research, food and beverage and environmental testing.

The pHit Scanner is virtually maintenance-free, can be stored dry and its glass-free design eliminates the threat of broken pH electrodes. The pHit Scanner delivers significant cost savings by eliminating the time and expense associated with calibrating and maintaining delicate glass electrodes. The solid-state sensor also reduces signal drift for more accurate and reliable measurement.

“We are honoured and thrilled to be the recipient of the 2013 Pittcon Editors’ Gold Award, which is a testament to the breakthrough technology of our pHit Scanner,” said Lee Leonard, CEO of Senova Systems. “Since its inception over 63 years ago, Pittcon has been one of the most important international conferences for laboratory science. We were gratified by the accolades we received from the press, as well as by the hundreds of inquiries from prospective customers. The pHit Scanner clearly represents the future in pH measurement.”

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About Senova Systems

Senova Systems develops, manufactures and sells next-generation sensor systems based on coupling its patented chemistries with advanced materials and proprietary microelectronics. Senova Systems’ first focus is a revolutionary new pH sensor platform, which replaces current glass electrodes with solid-state, smart sensors that require no user calibration. This breakthrough offers significant operational and economic benefits in the life science, food and beverage, dairy, petrochemical, water and environmental sectors, and will ultimately enable advances in healthcare and other specialized applications. For more information, please visit You can also follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

The pHit Scanner is now available for purchase at the Senova Systems Web Store.

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Contacts for the media:

Jennifer Dahlgren, Dahlgren Communications 530-263-6817

Christobal Leal, Senova Systems 415-599-6266