Duchesnay USA, a pharmaceutical company that specializes in women’s health, is pleased to announce the launch of a national survey in partnership with FabOverFifty.com, a leading online platform dedicated to empowering women over 50.
ROSEMONT, PA, July 8, 2019 /PRNewswire/ - Duchesnay USA, a pharmaceutical company that specializes in women’s health, is pleased to announce the launch of a national survey in partnership with FabOverFifty.com, a leading online platform dedicated to empowering women over 50. The survey was developed to identify the treatment preferences of women experiencing symptoms of menopause, including vaginal dryness, a symptom of vulvar vaginal atrophy (VVA) due to menopause. The short survey, which will run throughout the summer, is structured to elicit feedback from women who have experienced vaginal dryness first hand. By analyzing their responses, the survey’s sponsors hope to gain a better understanding of the dialogue between women and their healthcare providers regarding menopause symptoms, and gather insight into individual experiences with various treatments options. Vaginal dryness is one of the most common bothersome symptoms of VVA due to menopause. As women age, their estrogen levels decrease, leading to significant changes in vaginal tissues. These changes can result in dryness, itching, burning as well as painful sexual intercourse. Over the years, treatment options such as moisturizers, lubricants and other over the counter and prescription products have been available to treat some of the vaginal symptoms of menopause. However, most of these products provide only temporary relief, without treating the underlying condition. Many women also find these products uncomfortable and inconvenient. Fortunately, there is a new oral treatment option that may address these issues. “I find women aren’t aware that vaginal dryness is a real medical condition and don’t understand the cause and its relation to menopause,” said Barb DePree, MD, Founder of MiddlesexMD. “For most women, they’ve spent 40-60 years without any vaginal issues, so they don’t know what to do or who to speak with when it happens to them. As healthcare providers, we have to elevate awareness of the condition and, more importantly, make it known that it can be very successfully treated.” If you, or someone you know, is experiencing symptoms of menopause, including vaginal dryness, please follow the link to take the survey: https://www.faboverfifty.com/health/duchesnay/ About Duchesnay USA About FabOverFifty.com FabOverFifty.com’s exclusive interviews with experts across the board, and first-person stories about everything from plastic surgery to sexual experiences give the site its spirit and energy.
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