MVPvets announced today that Colonel Jayson C. Gilberti, U.S. Army, Retired was appointed as Chief Executive Officer, effective July 16, 2018.
SAN DIEGO, July 30, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- MVPvets announced today that Colonel Jayson C. Gilberti, U.S. Army, Retired was appointed as Chief Executive Officer, effective July 16, 2018.
A native of Bedford, MA, Jayson is an executive leader and U.S. military veteran with more than 25 years of service to the United States Army and our nation. Commissioned through ROTC in 1993 at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, he later earned a master’s in Management from Webster University and completed an Army War College Fellowship in Security Studies at MIT.
Jayson was privileged and honored to command both the 20th Engineer Brigade, XVIII Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg and the 9th Engineer Battalion, 172nd Infantry Brigade in Schweinfurt, Germany. Additional assignments ranged across the United States and the globe from Fort Drum to Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan. Most notably, he participated in numerous overseas deployments in support of humanitarian efforts in Haiti and in combat in both Operations IRAQI & ENDURING FREEDOM. Jayson also provided emergency management response efforts to expedite support of Hurricanes Katrina & Rita relief operations with the 82nd Airborne Division. His final posting was as the U.S. Army Forces Command Director of Engineer Programs at Fort Bragg, NC.
A servant-leader committed to the betterment of our nation’s veterans, Jayson joins the MVPvets team with a comprehensive background in what it takes to coach, teach and mentor veterans and their families. A recent retiree himself, he understands, first-hand, the transition from military service and re-careering to the life sciences industry.
“I look forward to charting a course that builds MVPvets into an enduring platform that enables veterans to receive mentorship, plan, prepare and pursue jobs within the Health Innovation industry. It is an absolute amazing opportunity to continue to serve with and for other veterans to help transform their lives,” said Gilberti. “After a quarter-century of service, study, and reflection focused on the growth and development of our nation’s soldiers, I am excited to lead the charge and facilitate my fellow veterans’ efforts to re-career into health innovation (STEM) careers.”
“We are pleased to welcome Jayson to the MVPvets team, said Michael R. Minogue, co-founder and chairman of MVPvets. “Jayson’s extensive experience in the military and commitment to serving our country equips him to further the MVPvets mission and continue serving our U.S. veterans.”
About MVPvets
MVPvets is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit endeavor connecting health innovation and life science companies with veteran talent ready to bring an exceptional work ethic, a broad bandwidth of skills and an extraordinary focus in achieving business goals. To register for MVPvets as either a mentor or veteran jobseeker, please visit
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