McNeil Consumer Healthcare Release: First Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plant To Obtain LEED Certification

McNeil Healthcare LLC announced today that it has been awarded LEED certification, becoming the first pharmaceutical manufacturing plant in the world to obtain the Green Building Certification for existing buildings and the second building in Puerto Rico to pass this rigorous certification process.

“Two years ago we began to work on ways to improve our competitiveness and our environmental commitment, the LEED certification process served as a roadmap to achieve both ends as well as contribute to our community with a rigorous approach to the use of natural resources,” said Nuria Ramírez, general manager of McNeil Healthcare LLC. Ramírez explained she set up a team to work through the process in combination with U.S. Green Building certified consultants.

McNeil Healthcare LLC achieved LEED certification for energy use, lighting, water and material use as well as incorporating a variety of other sustainable strategies. By using less energy and water, LEED certified buildings save money, save valuable resources such as water in Las Piedras, where it is scarce, reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and contribute to a healthier environment for employees and the larger community.

The LEED certification project began in December 2007and took 21 months. The impetus to pursue the LEED Existing Building Program and certification stemmed from the need to accommodate future products while increasing efficiencies.

“We hope to serve others as examples to follow in LEED certification to benefit their manufacturing operations as well as the environment” said the plant’s General Manager.

MCNeil Healthcare LLC in Las Piedras manufactures, among other products, 90% of the world’s production of solid dosage Tylenol.

The LEED certification program was established by the U.S. Green Building Council and verified by the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI). LEED is the U.S.’s preeminent program for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings. In Puerto Rico, there are now two (2) buildings with LEED certification under different categories for buildings.

Environmental Benefits from the McNeil Healthcare LLC LEED Certification Process

• Energy: The plant increased production output by 25%, yet reduced its energy use by 29%.

• Greenhouse gases: Reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 34%. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

• Water: Reduced water usage by recycling it by 55%.

• Solid Waste: Reduced solid waste by 69%.

• Reductions are indexed to production volume increases.

MCNeil Healthcare, LLC in Las Piedras, established in 1984, manufactures Tylenol and other healthcare products.