Unprecedented Insight into How Efficiently Their Bodies Burn Calories Allows Users to Take Greater Control Over Their Health and Wellness, in the Comfort of Their Home [19-May-2020] NEW YORK , May 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Lumen, a health technology company at the forefront of personal health, today announced the global launch of its ground-breaking wellness device:
NEW YORK, May 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Lumen Medical Inc. a health technology company at the forefront of personal health, today announced the global launch of its ground-breaking wellness device: Lumen. Developed through years of scientific testing and validation, Lumen is the first handheld, portable device and app that measures your metabolism in real-time with just your breath. Lumen is making personal, at home metabolic tracking available outside of research labs for the first time - revolutionizing the way we approach weight loss, fitness and healthy nutrition decision making. Lumen works by measuring your body’s carbon dioxide concentration by breathing into a handheld Lumen device. These levels, calculated through Lumen’s vast scientific research and development, indicate the type of fuel your body is using to produce energy - a mix of fat or carbs. Like having a nutritionist in your pocket, Lumen provides you with personalized suggestions on when and what to eat to fuel your workout, based on your metabolism. Lumen supports fat burn and improves your metabolic flexibility, which is your body’s ability to efficiently switch between using carbs and fats as a fuel source. Research (Calcada et al, Gormsen et al) finds that metabolic flexibility has a profound role in assessing a person’s health. People with good metabolic flexibility:
Michal and Merav Mor, twin sisters with PhDs in Physiology, co-founded Lumen and act as Head of Science for Product and Head of Research and Science respectively. The sisters conceived of the idea for a personal metabolic tracker as they trained for an Ironman race. Determined to improve their fitness and race times, the scientists sought out a way to track and test their metabolism to achieve peak fitness. Eight years in the making, and on the heels of a successful Indiegogo campaign, they are releasing their groundbreaking device, Lumen, around the world today. “While metabolism is key to weight loss, the only way to test metabolism was through a restrictive, hours-long laboratory process, leaving regular people with zero visibility into their metabolic rate and only haphazard ways of improving it,” said Michal Mor, co-founder and Head of Science for Product, Lumen. “With Lumen, we are bringing scientifically rigorous insight into personal metabolism for the very first time, allowing anyone at home to measure how efficient their body is at burning calories, but also sharing research-driven recommendations on how they can reach their health and fitness goals faster.” The Lumen device and app enable users to maximize their wellness:
Scientific Validation Availability For media: images, video and fact sheet can be found in the press kit here. Here is information about Lumen’s publisher affiliate program and influencer affiliate program. About Lumen [1] Sources: The role of low-grade inflammation and metabolic flexibility in aging and nutritional modulation thereof: A systems biology approach. Available via: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0047637414000050. Last accessed 5 May 2020. [2] Source: Estradiol acutely inhibits whole body lipid oxidation and attenuates lipolysis in subcutaneous adipose tissue: a randomized, placebo-controlled study in postmenopausal women. Available via:https://eje.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/eje/167/4/543.xml. Last accessed 5 May 2020.
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