Lonza Launches bYlok Technology for the Discovery and Design of Bispecific Antibodies

Lonza announced today the launch of its new bYlok™ technology platform for the discovery and design of bispecific antibodies.

  • Lonza launches bYlok™ Technology - a new design engineering approach for bispecific antibodies that can streamline future clinical manufacturing
  • The platform contributes to solving the light-heavy chain mispairing challenge with an accuracy of >95%, high yields and the ability to maintain a mAb-like format
  • Access to the bYlok™ technology is now available under a simple research license to pharma and biotech companies globally

Basel, Switzerland, 18 January 2022 – Lonza announced today the launch of its new bYlok™ technology platform for the discovery and design of bispecific antibodies. Bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) show promising effectiveness with precision targeting and higher potency; in addition, multiple binding sites can help reduce the development of subsequent clinical resistance. The biologics pipeline has been evolving towards more complex protein formats for the past few years. A total of 273 bispecific molecules successfully entered the clinic since 2001.

Manufacturing bispecific antibodies poses unique challenges related to their expression and downstream processing. As bsAbs are comprised of two distinct heavy and light chains, multiple combinations are possible during assembly in production. Mispairing between light and heavy chains during expression could lead to misassembled unwanted antibody species that are difficult to remove due to their similarity to the correct format.

Lonza’s bYlok™ technology was developed in response to the current market-wide challenge to design, develop and manufacture bsAbs molecules at scale without implications of cost and time to market. The bYlok™ technology relies on adjustments of the position of one of the disulfide bridges, which greatly favors the formation of a correct heterodimer species.

Lonza’s patented, proprietary technology platform delivers >95% correct heavy and light chain (HC-LC) precision pairing with a mAb-like approach, and generates bispecific antibodies that mimic parental antibodies in the key characteristics such as yield, stability, immunogenicity and functionality. The technology can be easily accessed by pharma and biotech companies through a simple research license to see if it fits their current processes.

Katarina Radošević, Head of Biologics R&D, Lonza commented: “Lonza is transforming biologics discovery, development and manufacturing by investing in leading technologies to support our customers to develop next-generation bispecific antibodies. Our bYlok™ platform addresses technical limitations through an elegant and broadly applicable process for molecules where two different light chains are needed.”

Peter Droc, Head of Licensing and Drug Product Services, Lonza added: “With the launch of bYlok™ technology, we affirm our commitment to making cutting-edge technologies readily accessible to pharma and biotech companies for an easy evaluation and implementation within their labs. We are excited by the extended therapeutic possibilities the technology allows our customers to reach.”

For more information, visit https://pharma.lonza.com/offerings/specialized-capabilities/expressions-technologies/bYlok

News release (PDF)

About Lonza
Lonza is the preferred global partner to the pharmaceutical, biotech and nutrition markets. We work to enable a healthier world by supporting our customers to deliver new and innovative medicines that help treat a wide range of diseases. We achieve this by combining technological insight with world-class manufacturing, scientific expertise and process excellence. Our unparalleled breadth of offerings enables our customers to commercialize their discoveries and innovations in the healthcare sector.

Founded in 1897 in the Swiss Alps, today, Lonza operates across five continents. With approximately 15,000 employees, we comprise high-performing teams and individual talent that make a meaningful difference to our own business, as well as to the communities in which we operate. The company generated sales of CHF 2.5 billion with a CORE EBITDA of CHF 847 million in H1 2021. Find out more at www.lonza.com

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Lonza Group Ltd
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Lonza Group Ltd
Tel +41 61 316 8982

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Lonza Group Ltd
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