Edinburgh – 2 February 2010 – Lab901 announced at the Peptalk 2010 conference that its Protein ScreenTape® platform can deliver, for the first time, true, practical at-line monitoring of monoclonal antibody production. Before now, at-line monitoring of antibody production by SDS PAGE has been impractical with other existing platforms as the cost per test-point is too high or the analysis takes too long to be of value.
With its rapid staining protocol and automated sample handling, electrophoresis and data presentation, the Protein ScreenTape platform can deliver information on yield, purity and molecular weight within a few minutes. Samples can be analysed directly from the bioreactor with no need to purify or filter the media. Analysis of media containing high levels of serum is also possible using ScreenTape. Lab901 application scientist Adam Inche said, “This information will be invaluable not only for process optimisation, but also for batch monitoring as it is now possible to assess antibody production by SDS-PAGE on a day-by-day, or even hour-by-hour basis. This data will enable our clients to make more informed decisions on when to harvest their bioreaction batch, thus saving time and money.”
The full presentation can be downloaded from the lab901 website at the following link (http://www.lab901.net/images/downloadabledocs2/at_line_monitoring_of_mab_production.pdf). For more information visit the website at www.lab901.com, contact info@lab901.com or call +44 131 448 2904
About Lab901:
Lab901 is a leading laboratory automation company. Lab901 has been selling its D800 and DS12 DNA ScreenTape products into the PCR diagnostics market for the last 18 months and to date has shipped over 70 systems globally. ScreenTape R6K for RNA QC is the latest product to be developed and manufactured at Lab901’s production facility in Loanhead, Edinburgh.
About the ScreenTape® System:
The ScreenTape system is the first fully automated, walk-away solution for gel electrophoresis. Customers simply load their samples and the ScreenTape consumable into the compact TapeStation instrument and, within 1 minute per sample, fully analysed results for protein, RNA and DNA samples are displayed.
Information on Peptalk
Peptalk is a large multi-stream international conference with broad range appeal in the peptide and protein production area. This year’s event was held at the Hotel del Coronado, San Diego, California between 11th and 15th of January. For more information contact the event organisers at chi@healthtech.com.