ORANGEBURG, N.Y., April 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Impulse Dynamics today announced that the first implant of its proprietary medical device for the treatment of heart failure called the Optimizer was successfully performed by Dr. Moeen Saleem, Midwest Heart Specialists Electrophysiologist at Edward Heart Hospital in Naperville, Illinois. This procedure is part of the FIX-HF-5 clinical study. Midwest Heart Foundation is a clinical trial site and Dr. Maria Rosa Costanzo, Midwest Heart Specialists Cardiologist, is the principle investigator for the study.
The Optimizer System is designed to deliver electrical impulses to the heart for treatment of moderate to severe heart failure. This study of the Optimizer System is sponsored by Impulse Dynamics (USA) Inc., a specialty medical device company located in New York and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Impulse Dynamics N.V.
Heart failure is a disease that afflicts over 5 million Americans and an estimated 15 million patients worldwide. It is one of the most common causes of hospitalization and a growing and costly burden to the healthcare system. It is estimated that the U.S. healthcare system will spend a projected $28.9 billion on caring for heart failure patients in 2006.
The investigational study, called FIX-HF-5 (Fix Heart Failure 5), is designed to investigate the effects of the Optimizer System in approximately 400 New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class III or Class IV heart failure patients at up to 50 U.S. sites.
About Heart Failure
Symptoms of heart failure result when the heart that is unable to pump enough blood to meet the energy needs of the body. A failing heart most often results from damage to the heart muscle due to injuries such as heart attack, untreated coronary artery disease or persistent high blood pressure. The most common forms of heart failure are treated with drugs and electrical devices such as pacemakers and implanted defibrillators, but if symptoms continue to worsen, other therapies are needed.
About Impulse Dynamics
Impulse Dynamics is focused on the development of electrical therapies for the treatment of heart failure. The company’s proprietary technology stems from a scientific discovery regarding the electrical control of tissue function. Research and development at Impulse Dynamics is focused on refining the principle and practice of modifying tissue properties and function through the predictable and reproducible delivery of electrical signals. Impulse Dynamics (USA) Inc., the sponsor of the FIX-HF-5 study, is located in New York.
Impulse Dynamics
CONTACT: Erich Sandoval of Lazar Partners on behalf of Impulse Dynamics,+1-212-867-1773,