IBC Life Sciences Announces Next Generation Protein Therapeutics Summit

WESTBOROUGH, MA--(Marketwire - February 23, 2010) - IBC Life Sciences is pleased to announce the Next Generation Protein Therapeutics Summit taking place on June 21-23, 2010 at the Marriot San Francisco Airport in Burlingame, CA.

Featuring four conferences, this summit will bring together companies and academics from different disciplines to cross-fertilize ideas, share new data, and discuss strategies that will help turn promising molecules into products. Conferences featured at the summit, include:

-- Beyond Antibodies Novel Scaffolds and Preclinical - Clinical Progress -- Protein Engineering & Design Technology and Engineering to Improve Drug-Like Properties -- Immunogenicity of Biologics De-Immunization and Risk-Mitigation Strategies -- Crossing the Barriers BBB & Membranes, Intracellular Targeting and Alternative Protein Delivery 

Attendees will hear keynote presentations from Dr. James D. Marks, a professor at the University of California, San Francisco, Dr. Andreas Plueckthun, professor of Biochemistry at the University of Zurich and Dr. Carlos Barbas, Kellogg Professor and Chair at the Scripps Research Institute.

The program also includes two featured presentations by the FDA entitled “Subvisible Aggregates and their Impact on Immunogenicity” and “Monoclonal Antibodies, Next Generation Antibodies, and Antibody Alternatives: An FDA Perspective.” In addition, attendees will have the opportunity to interact with both FDA speakers during a panel discussion, Managing Immunogenicity of Therapeutic Proteins, and the Tuesday afternoon discussion, Regulatory Issues Associated With the Next Generation Protein Therapeutics.

The program features luncheon discussion & debate sessions. There will be eight topic starters to choose from lead by CEOs, Vice Presidents, and academics from across the field. This is followed by dessert and a chance to view posters and visit the exhibit hall.

With this four conference, one venue format attendees with be able to pick and choose the presentations that best suit their needs and then come together with delegates from all events to get a wider range of perspectives and new contacts during the discussions, social events and exhibit hall visits.

Complete event details can be found at http://www.ibclifesciences.com/ProteinSummit.

For a press pass please contact Dawn O’Connor at doconnor@ibcusa.com

IBC Life Sciences is the worldwide leader in scientific, technological and business conferences and courses for the life science industry. For more information, visit www.IBCLifeSciences.com.

Dawn O’Connor
IBC Life Sciences
(508) 614-1679
Email Contact

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Technorati: antibody protein therapeutic protein engineering immunogenicity