By Kara Bennett,
A recent study by EMarketer estimated that by the end of this year, there will be over 1.43 billion social network users -- that’s including the 91% of American adults that access some form of social media every month. To put it simply, social media makes it easier to connect with people, in very unique ways - and this is no exception for employers and job seekers.
Today, employers and job seekers have access to each other like never before through social media. Employers are able to stay better informed about their industry with up-to-the-minute news updates from Twitter. Job seekers have the ability to share links to career advice on Facebook, or craft their own personal online presence for potential employers.Another reason why you should tune in to who’s being social these days? Social media is timely, and the best companies to work for will know this.
So, where to begin? Start by following BioSpace Twitter to keep updated with biotechnews and career advice. Then check out these other top tweeters in the biotech industry to stay ahead of your job seeker competition:
1. @Pfizer
2. @IamBiotech
3. @DivaBiotech
4. @Biotechnology
5. @BioWorld
It’s not all about Twitter, though. The BioSpace Facebook page connects thousands of biotech professionals and employers every day. Here are some other great Facebook pages to follow:
1. BIO International Convention
2. Pharmaphorum
3. Biotechnology
4. Qmed
5. I am Biotech
Connecting with others in your profession shouldn’t stop there. You’ll learn that each social network has something different to offer you. Join the BioSpace discussion on LinkedIn and view our Google+ page!
Now that you know the best people to connect with in your industry, get the most out of Social Media Day 2012 by following these tips:
1. Know your hash tags. Just about every topic, industry, and career has a hash tag. Explore twitter for hash tags that match your profession. See what’s trending, like #jobs, #careers or #biotech
2. Present yourself professionally. When you’re logging on to Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, think of it as if you were attending a live career fair. Would you show up in a t-shirt and jeans, mispronouncing words? No! Watch your spelling online and make sure there aren’t any embarrassing photos of you lurking on your profile page.
3. Be social! It’s a lot easier than you think. Engage in online conversations with others in your profession. Ask questions you have about your next interview to career advisors. Comment on issues that you feel strongly about. “Like” Facebook pages that can supply you with daily knowledge. Stick by these guidelines and you’ll be one of the most informed job seekers or employers in your industry.
It’s Social Media Day 2012, there has never been a better time to be social.