GlaxoSmithKline Release: alli(TM) Debuts Through the alli Experience

PITTSBURGH, May 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Today, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare introduces a new approach to weight loss that will debut through a public multi-media exhibit in New York City -- the alli(TM) Experience. The alli Experience represents part of GSK Consumer Healthcare’s comprehensive educational program to prepare adults interested in losing weight with alli -- the only over-the-counter weight loss product approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) -- before it goes on sale in pharmacies and mass retailers beginning on or about June 15. The alli Experience will be open daily beginning Tuesday, May 22 through Sunday, June 10, 2007, and is open Monday through Fridays from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m., Saturdays from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The exhibit is located in New York City at 20 Union Square East (located at the Southeast corner of the Square).

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More than two-thirds of the U.S. population is overweight or obese, resulting in increased risk for serious diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and stroke. These serious health complications require the American public to take an honest look at the realities of weight loss. “We’re here today to unveil the alli Experience and demonstrate our commitment to changing the way people think about weight loss,” says Steven L. Burton, vice president, Weight Control, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare. “People are fed up being bombarded with hyped products and fad diets that over promise and under deliver. Unlike all the hype, alli is about straight talk and an honest voice, being real about the fact that losing weight is hard work.” Burton adds, “We’re here to help and to partner with people who want to lose weight with a realistic approach. But we’re not the total answer. The answer is individual commitment in partnership with alli, and all the support and education the alli program offers.”

The alli Experience is designed to help overweight people revisit and engage the principles of modest, gradual weight loss. The exhibit, divided into five zones, begins with a sensory tour that leads to an interactive journey and multi-media education about weight loss realities. Each zone encourages visitors to embrace a more realistic approach to diet and exercise for improved health. Visitors receive meal planning ideas, delicious low-fat recipes and shopping lists with nutritious foods to help support a healthier lifestyle. The alli Experience will also help overweight people who want to lose weight determine if they are ready to commit to the alli program.

-- Zone 1: You enter a surround-sound passage of empty promises -- “guaranteed, miracle pill, easy, no carbs!” Bombarded by chaos and hyperbole flashing on ceilings and walls, you’re asked, “Fed up?” -- Zone 2: In contrast to Zone 1 you enter a more serene space ... classic, clean, clear. To match the simplicity of the message is one lone bench. Above it you read sound advice -- there are no shortcuts. Tenets of truth inscribed on the wall acknowledge and inspire -- losing weight is hard but not impossible. Need help? Engage in the next Zone. -- Zone 3: Enter a theater of interactive stations to ask, learn, and discover. Find out if you’re ready for a true weight loss commitment or still looking for a quick fix. Learn how alli can be a partner to help you lose 50 percent more weight than dieting alone ... understand that you can’t just try alli, you have to commit to it. Test yourself to see if you’re ready to commit. -- Zone 4: Feast your eyes on a larger-than-life sized dinner plate featuring projections of appetizing dishes that challenge your dietary aptitude. See carousels showcasing flavorful low-fat meals and learn how to keep temptation out of your pantry in a simulated kitchen. Encouraged? Reflect in the next Zone. -- Zone 5: At interactive kiosks, embark on a personal journey to find out what’s holding you back ... exercise your option to speak to a trained expert. Exit the alli Experience ... and enter a new weight loss revolution. You. Your commitment.

The alli Experience is open to anyone who is 18 years or older, as alli is for overweight adults. The exhibit will be closed Memorial Day. An online virtual tour of the exhibit will be available online beginning May 24 at (

For more information about alli and the alli program, go to

About alli(TM)

alli, the only FDA-approved weight-loss product available to consumers without a prescription, combines a clinically-proven product with a comprehensive individualized action plan. The alli program encourages modest, gradual weight loss, known by experts as the best way to lose weight. alli is expected to be available in pharmacies and mass retailers nationwide beginning on or about June 15.

About GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare

GSK Consumer Healthcare is one of the world’s largest over-the-counter consumer healthcare products companies. Its more than 30 well-known brands include the leading smoking cessation products, Nicorette(R), NicoDerm(R) CQ and Commit(R) as well as many medicine cabinet staples, including Abreva(R), Aquafresh(R), Sensodyne,(R) Tums(R) and Breathe Right(R).

About GlaxoSmithKline

GlaxoSmithKline -- one of the world’s leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies -- is committed to improving the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. For company information visit:

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CONTACT: US Media, Brian Jones, +1-215-751-3415,, orMalesia Dunn, +1-412-200-3544,, both of GSK ConsumerHealthcare; or David Schemelia, HealthSTAR Public Relations,+1-646-722-8819,