The ENA Foundation began 2019 with Mickey Forness, BS, RN, CEN, taking her place as chairperson of the foundation’s board of trustees which oversees the Emergency Nurses Association’s philanthropic arm.
SCHAUMBURG, Ill., /PRNewswire/ -- The ENA Foundation began 2019 with Mickey Forness, BS, RN, CEN, taking her place as chairperson of the foundation’s board of trustees which oversees the Emergency Nurses Association‘s philanthropic arm. Forness, of Olean, New York, has been an ENA member since 1972. She first became involved with the Foundation in 2011 when, as New York ENA State Council president, the council signed an agreement to endow the 9/11 Scholarship for $100,000. Forness was selected to the Foundation board in 2016. She is inspired by the Foundation’s mission to help emergency nurses looking to further their careers. In 2018, the Foundation awarded approximately $435,000 in scholarships, continuing education and research grants to emergency nurses. “I feel that the better educated our emergency nurses are, the better care they can provide to our patients,” Forness said. “It is so exciting to have the ability to provide the financial assistance that allows our members to achieve this wonderful goal. Several of my co-workers were awarded a scholarship, and it was so exciting to see them grow in knowledge, professionalism and leadership.” Forness’ goals for 2019 include continued work on the Pave the Way brick campaign; a focus on obtaining more endowed scholarships, which includes making the Solheim International Fund an endowed scholarship; and enhancing the research arm of ENA in collaboration with the ENA Board of Directors’ strategic plan. The 2019 ENA Foundation Board of Trustees: Chairperson: Mickey Forness, BS, RN, CEN, of New York Immediate Past Chairperson: Steven Jewell, BSN, RN, CEN, CPEN, USN (ret.), of Texas Chairperson-elect: James J. Hoelz, MS, RN, CEN, CEN, FAEN, of Pennsylvania Members-at-Large: ENA President Appointee: Khay Douangdara, MSN, RN, CPEN, of Kentucky Corporate Members-at-Large: ENA Representatives: About the ENA Foundation About the Emergency Nurses Association ENA Media Contact:
SOURCE Emergency Nurses Association |