EKF Diagnostics, the global in vitro diagnostics company, announces the availability of a liquid, enzymatic test for glycated albumin (GA) that was recently FDA cleared for sales in the U.S. GA, used for intermediate term monitoring of glycemic control in diabetes patients, will be showcased at the 2019 AACC Clinical Lab Expo (August 6-8th in Anaheim, CA, Booth #2952).
Cardiff, UK – 25 July 2019 – EKF Diagnostics, the global in vitro diagnostics company, announces the availability of a liquid, enzymatic test for glycated albumin (GA) that was recently FDA cleared for sales in the U.S. GA, used for intermediate term monitoring of glycemic control in diabetes patients, will be showcased at the 2019 AACC Clinical Lab Expo (August 6-8th in Anaheim, CA, Booth #2952). EKF is the exclusive distributor of the Lucica®Glycated Albumin-L test manufactured by Asahi-Kasei Pharma Corporation of Japan.
The Lucica® Glycated Albumin-L test is intended to be used for the quantitative measurement of GA in human serum on compatible clinical chemistry analyzers with open channel capability. It specifically measures both glycated albumin (enzymatic) and total albumin (BCP) in separate reactions. Results are expressed as a ratio (%) of glycated albumin to total albumin, thus minimizing differences in protein concentrations between patients.
Visitors to EKF Diagnostics’ booth will also have the opportunity to meet the inventor of this enzymatic method for GA, Takuji Kohzuma Ph.D., Chief Researcher, Diagnostics and Clinical Development for Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation. For the development of this methodology, Dr Kohzuma was awarded the ‘Prize of Technology’ by the Japanese Society of Clinical Chemistry in 2005. The Lucica® GA has been one of the most widely used and published enzymatic GA methods in the world and EKF Diagnostics is now partnering with Asahi-Kasei Pharma Corporation with distribution of the FDA cleared test in the U.S.
There is peer-reviewed literature supporting the use of glycated albumin (GA) as a good marker of glycemic control based on clinical outcomes, for microvascular complications, macrovascular complications, diabetes risk, prognosis in hemodialysis patients and predicting pregnancy outcomes. GA has been shown to be useful for the intermediate term monitoring of glycemic control in patients with diabetes.
Also at Booth #2952, EKF will showcase some of its other clinical chemistry focused products. Another key assay in EKF’s portfolio is the Beta-Hydroxybutyrate LiquiColor® Assay (B-HB). B-HB is the main ketone-body produced during diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and is a useful adjunct test for diagnosis of ketoacidosis and monitoring of therapy.
The LiquiColor® B-HB test features liquid, ‘ready to use’ reagents and is intended for the quantitative measurement of B-HB with serum or plasma on compatible clinical chemistry analyzers with open channel capability. LiquiColor®B-HB is used in more than 1300 laboratories in the U.S.
EKF central laboratory and point-of-care (POC) analyzers will also be on show at AACC. These will include theAltair™ 240, a fully-automated bench-top clinical chemistry analyzer and the HemoPoint H2 POC analyzer designed to rapidly provide quantitative, lab quality hemoglobin and hematocrit results from a single drop of blood.
For more information see www.ekfusa.com.
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Link for this press release on EKF’s website: https://www.ekfdiagnostics.
Editors’ notes
About EKF Diagnostics www.ekfdiagnostics.com or www.ekfusa.com
EKF Diagnostics Holdings plc, which includes the EKF Diagnostics, Stanbio Laboratory and DiaSpect brands, specializes in the development, production and worldwide distribution of point-of-care analyzers for use in the detection and management of diabetes and anemia, and also in sports and maternal medicine. EKF products are sold in more than 100 countries around the globe, through a network of specialist distributors.
Point-of-care diagnostics: EKF Diagnostics designs and manufactures world-class diagnostic devices, as well as distributing rapid test kits for infectious diseases and pregnancy. The EKF analyzer range is used widely in GP surgeries, pharmacies, blood banks, sports clinics, hospitals and laboratories for glucose, lactate, hemoglobin, hematocrit and HbA1c measurement.
Central laboratory: EKF, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Stanbio Laboratory (Boerne, Texas, USA), manufactures a comprehensive range of clinical chemistry reagents, as well as associated analyzers. In addition, EKF Life Sciences (Elkhart, Indiana, USA) manufactures enzymes used in reagent development and also provides contract fermentation facilities.