Significant price reduction on world’s leading MVA device will increase affordability, decrease risk of complications for estimated 56 million women worldwide who have an abortion each year
Significant price reduction on world’s leading MVA device will increase affordability, decrease risk of complications for estimated 56 million women worldwide who have an abortion each year
WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- WomanCare Global, the manufacturer of the Ipas MVA Plus® and Ipas EasyGrip® cannulae, is delighted to announce a significant price reduction for the sixty-nine Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) Focus Countries in order to end preventable deaths and disabilities from unsafe abortion and complications from miscarriage.
“Despite an environment where production costs are steadily increasing, this price decrease might seem counterintuitive, but is in fact consistent with DKT WomanCare’s commitment to ensuring accessibility and availability of safe abortion and miscarriage management worldwide,” says Jacques-Antoine Martin, the Managing Director of DKT WomanCare Global. “Last year, DKT lowered the price of Levoplant™, a 2-rod, WHO-prequalified contraceptive implant. Keeping costs as low as possible further empowers more women to live their lives to the fullest by deciding when and if to have children with top quality contraceptive and termination of pregnancy options.”
Effective July 1, 2019, customers in the FP2020 focus countries will be eligible to purchase the Ipas MVA kit (1x Ipas MVA Plus® aspirator and 8x EasyGrip® cannulae) for $16.50, compared to the previous price of $19.79. This represents a 20% price decrease on aspirators and 13.4% decrease on cannulae, with an overall cost saving per kit of $3.29 (16.7%).
As the only reusable, heat-resistant (i.e. autoclavable), and US FDA cleared MVA devices, Ipas aspirators and cannulae remain the leading MVA technology in the world. Given that the Ipas MVA Plus® and Ipas EasyGrip® cannulae can be reused up to 25 times, the cost per uterine evacuation has dropped to just $0.66 ($16.50/25 uses) per procedure.
“The high quality and low cost of the Ipas MVA are critical in reducing maternal mortality from miscarriages and unsafe abortions,” comments True Overholt, the Marketing Director of DKT WomanCare Global. “With such a low out-of-pocket cost, and so much upside, we expect more healthcare providers in the sixty-nine FP2020 focus countries to adopt manual uterine vacuum into their protocols to save more lives.”
Manual vacuum aspirators are on the World Health Organization (WHO) List of Essential Medical Devices and are endorsed by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) and the Royal College of Gynecologist and Obstetrics (RCOG) for uterine evacuation, miscarriage management, post-abortion care (PAC), and endometrial biopsy.
“We are proud to expand access to women for miscarriage management, post-abortion care, and termination of pregnancy while maintaining the highest levels of quality for Ipas MVA and cannulae technology,” adds Chris Purdy, CEO of DKT International.
WomanCare Global became part of DKT International in 2017 when DKT assumed global responsibility for the manufacture, sales, and marketing of Ipas MVA technology. DKT has since reorganized the business into DKT WomanCare Global, an integrated women’s health company based in Europe. DKT WomanCare Global manufactures its own products and partners with unique suppliers to bring a range of contraceptive and safe abortion solutions to women around the world.
To learn more about DKT WomanCare Global, please contact True Overholt
If you are interested in Ipas MVA technology, please contact Rodrigo Portugues, DKT WomanCare Global Commercial Director or email
Since 1989, DKT International’s core mission has been to provide safe and affordable options for family planning and HIV prevention through social marketing. Today, DKT designs and implements social marketing programs in 35 populous countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia encompassing almost 65% of the world’s population. DKT is one of the largest private providers of contraceptives and family planning services in the developing world.
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Jaimie Weiner
Source: DKT International