Mineralife Analysis Finds Variation in Quality, Offers Consistent Solution
Mineralife Analysis Finds Variation in Quality, Offers Consistent Solution
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Jan. 29, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Upon discovering some Colorado CBD companies are struggling with their production processes, Colorado Springs supplement manufacturer Mineralife has begun to offer “white label” CBD manufacturing services for firms seeking a consistent and reliable production option.
An analysis of laboratory tests of CBD products made by Colorado firms shows wide variation in potency and product purity, according to officials at Mineralife who have conducted numerous site visits to Colorado CBD manufacturers.
“We believe in the therapeutic value of CBD, but that value can only be fully realized if the product being sold meets industry potency and purity standards,” said Neil Butterfield, Mineralife Founder and CEO. “Many companies don’t have the resources to establish the manufacturing systems needed to meet FDA guidelines and rules. We have the technology and standards to accurately produce, bottle and label quality CBD products. We’re pleased to bring this knowledge and experience to CBD companies that are committed to offering high quality products to their customers.”
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabis compound that has significant medical benefit. The substance does not make people feel the type of euphoria (or high) caused by consumption of marijuana.
“CBD…is an appealing option for patients looking for relief from inflammation, pain, anxiety, psychosis, seizures, spasms, and other conditions without disconcerting feelings of lethargy or dysphoria,” according to Project CBD, a California non-profit educational organization.
Potency tests conducted by Mineralife and other third-party labs found Colorado CBD samples varied, from lower than advertised levels of CBD to products containing above-standard levels of THC. THC is the psychoactive substance found in cannabis.
The FDA has begun cracking down on CBD manufacturers who violate the agency’s product labeling requirements.
The findings regarding the potency of Colorado-produced CBD are not out of the norm. A 2017 University of Pennsylvania study found that nearly 7 of 10 CBD products didn’t contain the amount of marijuana extract promised on the label. Nearly 43 percent of the products contained too little CBD, while about 26 percent contained too much.
About Mineralife
Established in 2005 by Neil Butterfield soon after his immigration from South Africa, Colorado Springs firm Mineralife delivers effective, affordable nutritional products of superior quality to create a community that enjoys maximum health. All Mineralife-branded products are complexed with CHD-FA (Fulvic Acid) because of its unique ability to enhance the absorption and general usability of the firm’s supplements.
To learn more about Minerallife go to www.mymineralife.com
Erich Kirshner
Evolution Communications Agency
View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/colorado-springs-supplement-maker-wants-to-improve-cbd-purity-production-300785812.html
SOURCE Mineralife