Celsion Corporation (NASDAQ: CLSN), a clinical-stage development company focused on DNA-based immunotherapy and next-generation vaccines, announces that Khursheed Anwer, Ph.D., executive vice president and chief science officer, will be making a presentation on the company’s GEN-1 interleukin 12 (IL-12) immunotherapy program at the Cytokine-Based Cancer Immunotherapies Summit being held in Boston on November 30 to December 2, 2021.
Chief Science Officer Dr. Khursheed Anwer to also Participate in Two Panel Discussions
LAWRENCEVILLE, N.J., Nov. 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Celsion Corporation (NASDAQ: CLSN), a clinical-stage development company focused on DNA-based immunotherapy and next-generation vaccines, announces that Khursheed Anwer, Ph.D., executive vice president and chief science officer, will be making a presentation on the company’s GEN-1 interleukin 12 (IL-12) immunotherapy program at the Cytokine-Based Cancer Immunotherapies Summit being held in Boston on November 30 to December 2, 2021. Dr. Answer will also be participating in two panel discussions.
In his presentation, Dr. Anwer will be discussing how local delivery of IL-12 without significant systemic toxicity is feasible with a non-viral gene therapy approach that involves administration of an IL-12 plasmid with a synthetic DNA delivery system (GEN-1). Dr. Anwer will also be discussing how weekly intraperitoneal administration of GEN-1 yields durable increases in IL-12 and IFN-g, and why repeated weekly administration of GEN-1 in combination with standard chemotherapy remodels the tumor immune environment to favor immune stimulation over immune suppression.
“Dr. Anwer’s presentation and panel discussions will highlight the strength of our GEN-1 immunotherapy program to some of the nation’s leading immunologists,” said Michael H. Tardugno, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Celsion. “We look forward to interacting with attendees at one of the first in-person medical conferences we will be attending since the COVID-19 pandemic began.”
Dr. Anwer will participate in a group panel discussion on November 30 at 7:40 a.m. Eastern time titled, “What Do We Know & Where Do We Want to Go?” and in another panel discussion on December 1 at 11:30 a.m. Eastern time titled “Side Effects – Mitigating Against Hypotension + Fever With Immune-Stimulating Agents (NK Cell Engagers, PD-1s, Cytokines, T-Cell Engagers) = Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS)?” Dr. Anwer’s presentation, titled “A Non-Viral Gene Therapy Approach to IL-12 Delivery for The Treatment of Cancer,” will be delivered on December 1 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time.
About GEN-1 Immunotherapy
GEN-1, designed using Celsion’s proprietary TheraPlas™ platform technology, is an IL-12 DNA plasmid vector encased in a nanoparticle delivery system that enables cell transfection followed by persistent, local secretion of the IL-12 protein. IL-12 is one of the most active cytokines for the induction of potent anticancer immunity acting through the induction of T-lymphocyte and natural killer (NK) cell proliferation. The company previously reported positive safety and encouraging Phase I results with GEN-1 given as monotherapy or a combination therapy in patients with advanced peritoneally metastasized primary or recurrent ovarian cancer, and recently completed a Phase Ib dose-escalation trial (OVATION 1 Study) of GEN-1 in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel in patients with newly diagnosed ovarian cancer. GEN-1 in combination with neoadjuvant chemotherapy is the subject of the ongoing Phase II OVATION 2 Study in subjects with advanced-stage ovarian cancer (Stage III/IV), with enrollment now exceeding 75% and full enrollment targeted by the first half of 2022.
About Celsion Corporation
Celsion is a fully integrated, clinical stage biotechnology company focused on advancing a portfolio of innovative cancer treatments, including immunotherapies, DNA-based therapies and directed chemotherapies through clinical trials and eventual commercialization. The company’s product pipeline includes GEN-1, a DNA-based immunotherapy for the localized treatment of ovarian cancer. ThermoDox®, a proprietary heat-activated liposomal encapsulation of doxorubicin, is under investigator-sponsored development for several cancer indications. Celsion also has two feasibility stage platform technologies for the development of novel nucleic acid-based immunotherapies and other anti-cancer DNA or RNA therapies. Both are novel synthetic, non-viral vectors with demonstrated capability in nucleic acid cellular transfection. For more information on Celsion, visit www.celsion.com.
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Forward-lookingstatementsinthisnewsreleasearemadepursuanttothe“safeharbor”provisionsofthePrivateSecuritiesLitigationReformActof 1995.Thesestatementsarebaseduponcurrentbeliefs,expectation,andassumptionsandincludestatementsregardingtheplatformhavingthepotentialtoprovidebroadprotectionagainstcoronavirusdisease2019(COVID-19),andpossiblefuturemutationsofSARS-CoV-2orothercoronaviruses.Thesestatementsaresubjecttoanumberofrisksanduncertainties,manyofwhicharedifficulttopredict,includingtheabilityoftheCompany’splatformtoprovidebroadprotectionagainstCOVID-19,andpossiblefuturemutationsofSARS-CoV-2orothercoronaviruses,theissuanceofapatenttotheCompanyforuseofitstechnologyplatformfortreatingorpreventinginfectionwiththeSARS-CoV-2virusthatcausesCOVID-19,unforeseenchangesinthecourseofresearchanddevelopmentactivitiesandinclinicaltrials;theuncertaintiesofanddifficultiesinanalyzinginterimclinicaldata,particularlyinsmallsubgroupsthatarenotstatisticallysignificant;FDAandregulatoryuncertaintiesandrisks;thesignificantexpense,timeandriskoffailureofconductingclinicaltrials;theneedforCelsiontoevaluateitsfuturedevelopmentplans;possible acquisitionsorlicensesofothertechnologies,assetsorbusinesses;possibleactionsbycustomers,suppliers,competitorsorregulatoryauthorities;andotherrisksdetailedfromtimetotimeintheCelsion’speriodicfilingswiththeSecuritiesandExchangeCommission.Celsionassumesnoobligation to updateor supplementforward-lookingstatements thatbecome untrue becauseofsubsequent events,newinformationorotherwise.
Celsion Corporation
Jeffrey W. Church
Executive Vice President and CFO
LHA Investor Relations
Kim Sutton Golodetz 212-838-3777
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