Celsion Corporation Release: ThermoDox(R) Liver Cancer Study Phase I Results to Be Presented at ILCA Conference 2008

COLUMBIA, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--CELSION CORPORATION (NASDAQ: CLSN) announced today that the interim results from its second Phase I liver cancer confirmation study of ThermoDox® used in combination with Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) for the treatment of patients with primary and metastatic liver cancer will be presented at a Poster Presentation session at the International Liver Cancer Association (ILCA) Annual Conference in Chicago, IL, from September 5-7, 2008. This annual conference is recognized as a premier multidisciplinary gathering of cancer researchers dedicated to the exchange of knowledge and innovative approaches to liver cancer research and care. For more information on the ILCA, visit their website: http://www.ilca-online.org/.