Celsion Corporation Announces Liver Phase I Abstract Accepted for Oral Presentation at 8th World Congress of IHPBA

COLUMBIA, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--CELSION CORPORATION (AMEX: CLN) today announced that a ThermoDox Phase I liver cancer abstract has been accepted for oral presentation at the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (IHPBA) conference. The abstract reports on the safety and dosing of ThermoDox in patients with liver cancer. The IHPBA is hosting this Congress in Mumbai, India from February 27th to March 8th, 2008. http://www.ihpba2008.com/ This Congress is hosted every two years at a different international location, with leading faculty and researchers invited from nearly 50 countries to provide global perspectives on the standard of care and latest treatment options for liver cancer.