Cell Therapeutics, Inc. Annual Meeting of Shareholders Scheduled for Thursday, September 16, 2010

SEATTLE, Sept. 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- On Thursday, September 16, 2010, at 1:00 PM Eastern Time/10:00 AM Pacific Time/7:00 PM Central European Time, members of Cell Therapeutics, Inc.'s (“CTI”) (Nasdaq and MTA: CTIC) management team will host CTI’s Annual Meeting of Shareholders at CTI’s Seattle headquarters at 501 Elliott Ave. West, Seattle, WA 98119. Shareholders as of the record date of July 27, 2010 only may attend. The meeting will also be webcast live on CTI’s website at http://www.CellTherapeutics.com, and archived for replay.

For more information about the meeting, please visit the CTI website, www.CellTherapeutics.com.

Annual Meeting of Shareholders

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Conference Call

10 AM Pacific/1 PM Eastern/7 PM CET

1-877-941-0844 (US Participants)

1-480-629-9645 (International)

Call-back numbers for post listening:

1-800-406-7325 (US Participants)

1-303-590-3030 (International)

Passcode: 4358720#

Live webcast with slides at


Archived for post viewing approximately 2 hours after the meeting ends

Media Contact:

Cell Therapeutics, Inc.

Dan Eramian

T: 206.272.4343

C: 206.854.1200

F: 206.272.4434

E: media@ctiseattle.com


Investors Contact:

Cell Therapeutics, Inc.

Ed Bell

T: 206.272.4345

Lindsey Jesch Logan

T: 206.272.4347

F: 206.272.4434

E: invest@ctiseattle.com


SOURCE Cell Therapeutics, Inc.