Cefaly Release: Migraine Medical Device Cefaly Is Successful In A Recent Trial On Chronic Migraine

NEW YORK, June 7, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- A newly published clinical trial reveals that Cefaly®, the first FDA-approved external trigeminal nerve stimulation device for the prevention of frequent episodic migraine attacks, has been used successfully on patients suffering from chronic migraine.

The results, published in Neurological Sciences, an international, peer-reviewed publication, show an impressive reduction of the acute anti-migraine medication intake (more than half of the patients had greater than 50-percent reduction in medication). In addition, patients treated with the Cefaly® saw a significant reduction (-6.4) in the number of monthly headache days, higher than they normally would with their usual treatments for chronic migraine pain.

“We’re excited that chronic migraineurs can benefit from a non-drug, non-invasive treatment, especially for those who suffer from medication over use headaches. This new clinical data confirms that Cefaly will become a first-line preventive treatment, not only for episodic migraine but for chronic migraine as well,” said Dr. Pierre Rigaux, the chief executive officer of CEFALY Technology, and a member of the team that invented the device.

Migraine affects 38 million people in the U.S., according to the Migraine Research Foundation. Almost 10-percent of the patients in the study suffered from chronic migraine, which is a very disabling form of migraine that encompasses 15 days or more of headaches per month. A main factor of migraine chronification is the overuse of anti-migraine medication, since headache is a common side effect and can lead to more headaches instead of less.

Cefaly® is an electronic, battery-powered, prescription-only device that is placed on the forehead for 20-minutes once a day, using a self-adhesive electrode and a magnetic connection Cefaly® works by sending tiny electrical impulses through the skin on the upper branches of the trigeminal nerve to desensitize the trigeminovascular system and reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. In clinical trials, frequent episodic migraine patients compliant with Cefaly® treatment experienced an 81% satisfaction rate, a 75% reduction in intake of migraine medication, and a 54% reduction in migraine attacks.

Cefaly® costs $349 and comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. A pack of three electrodes costs $25 and each electrode may be re-used up to 20 times. Cefaly® is available by prescription-only and indicated for patients 18 years of age and older. Women who are pregnant or could become pregnant should check with their doctor before using Cefaly®. Only 4.3% of people in clinical trials reported side effects -- all of which were minor and fully reversible.

About CEFALY Technology
CEFALY Technology is a Belgium-based company, with US offices based in Wilton, Connecticut, specializing in electronics for medical applications. It has developed external cranial stimulation technology for applications in the field of neurology; in particular for treating migraines. For more information, visit http://www.cefaly.us. Find Cefaly on Twitter: @Cefaly and on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CefalyEN.

Media Contact: Maria Coder

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