Biomarker Lifts A Secret Of Old Age, La Sapienza University Study

Why do people grow old? Italian researchers took a close look at centenarians and found that low levels of the peptide hormone Adrenomedullin may significantly contribute towards good microcirculation and thus longevity.

Is it garlic? A lot of sleep? A daily glass of red wine? Many have speculated on what makes people live longer. Researchers have previously linked longevity to genetic factors, calorie-restriction and physical activity. Now, Italian researchers from La Sapienza University in Rome have identified an additional factor for a longer life. In the Cilento Initiative on Aging Outcome (CIAO) study, which was designed to identify life style, genetic and epigenetic factors contributing to longevity in the Cilento region, they discovered that the perfusion of organs and muscles of the centenarians was as efficient as that in people who were 30 years younger. What’s more, low blood levels of the peptide hormone Adrenomedullin (bio-ADM) appear to be an indicator for such a good microcirculation.