ZEISS Invites You To Join The Multi-Scale Journey At Microscopy & Microanalysis (M&M)

Visit Booth # 902 for seminars and demonstrations of the newest electron/ion, X-ray and light microscopes

ZEISS announces they will be showcasing the latest microscopy innovations and advancements at Microscopy & Microanalysis (M&M) 2016, July 24- 28, 2016, in Columbus, OH. ZEISS experts will be on hand at Booth #902 to offer a variety of lunch and after-hour technology seminars. Visitors to the booth are also invited to test drive the newest electron/ion and light microscopes and to join the multi-scale journey. ZEISS is also proud to be celebrating Carl Zeiss’s 200th Birthday during this year’s event.

Learn about some of the newest solutions and workflows from the ZEISS product management team at the lunchtime technology seminars, held from 12-1 p.m. Pre-registration is required.

• Monday, July 25, In situ Microscopy for Materials Science

• Tuesday, July 26, Strength in Numbers: Collaborative Microscopy using Atlas 5

• Wednesday, July 27, From 3D Light to 3D Electron Microscopy

ZEISS will also hold happy hour and evening tutorial events, held from 5:30 PM - 6:45, where attendees can hear from ZEISS customers. These events will be held after exhibit hall closes, so pre-registration is a must. Sign-up for the evening tutorials at the MSA MegaBooth inside the Exhibit Hall.

• Tuesday, July 26 PM, Multi-scale Correlative Materials Science: Probing Microstructure Evolution in 3D and 4D, Dr. Nikhilesh Chawla, Arizona State University

• Wednesday, July 27, Correlative Microscopy for Analytical Speed in NASCAR, Jim Suth, Quality Control Manager, ECR Engines, North Carolina

Meet one-on-one with product specialists who can answer your questions, share application data and provide information on ZEISS electron/ion microscopes, X-ray microscopes, and light microscopes. Learn more: www.zeiss.com/microscopy/mm


ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the optics and optoelectronics industries. ZEISS develops and distributes lithography optics, measuring technology, microscopes, medical technology, eyeglass lenses, camera and cine lenses, binoculars and planetarium technology. With its solutions, the company constantly advances the world of optics and helps shape technological progress. The company is divided up into the six business groups Industrial Metrology, Microscopy, Medical Technology, Vision Care, Consumer Optics and Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology. ZEISS is represented in over 40 countries – with around 30 production sites, over 50 sales and service locations and about 25 research and development facilities. In fiscal year 2013/14 the company generated revenue approximating 4.3 billion euros with just under 25,000 employees. Founded in 1846 in Jena, the company is headquartered in Oberkochen, Germany. Carl Zeiss AG is the strategic management holding company that manages the ZEISS Group. The company is wholly owned by the Carl Zeiss Stiftung (Carl Zeiss Foundation).

Further information at www.zeiss.com


The Microscopy business group is the world’s only one-stop manufacturer of light, X-ray and electron microscope systems. The portfolio includes solutions and services both for life sciences and materials research and for industry, education and clinical practice. The business group is headquartered in Jena. Additional production and development sites are located in Oberkochen, Göttingen and Munich in Germany, as well as in Cambridge in the UK, and in Peabody, MA and Pleasanton, CA in the USA. The business group employs a total of over 3,000 people. It generated revenue of 656 million euros in fiscal year 2013/14.