SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 16, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Vista Partners announced today that it has updated coverage on Oculus Innovative Sciences, Inc., (Nasdaq: OCLS) and maintains its $3.81 target price. Ross Silver, Principal Analyst at Vista Partners stated, “Oculus is growing significantly as evidenced by their revenue growth of approximately 40% in each of the past two years. In addition, management has provided revenue guidance of $45-$60M in fiscal year 2013, a six fold increase from revenues reported in fiscal year 2010.” Mr. Silver continued, “Oculus now has eight commercial partners, three of which have been signed on since November 2010. In addition, Oculus recently received FDA 510(k) clearance for its Microcyn based Epicyn HydroGel for management of atopic dermatitis, radiation dermatitis and other skin dermatoses which represent significant commercial markets. Atopic dermatitis alone produced revenues in excess of $600 million globally in 2009 and we believe Epicyn could become the market leader.” To download a FREE copy of the Oculus Innovative Sciences, Inc. research report, please visit and complete the research form to gain access to the report.
About Vista Partners:
Vista Partners LLC was founded in 2005 and has offices in California and one in Oregon. We are a Registered Investment Advisor in the States of California and Oregon. Our professional staff has backgrounds in finance, corporate communications and investment banking. Vista Partners has built a name for itself in the small cap space due to its selection of profitable investment ideas.
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SOURCE Vista Partners LLC