NEW YORK, April 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Viscogliosi Bros. LLC (VB), a closely- held venture capital/private equity and merchant banking firm focused on the musculoskeletal/orthopedics industry, is pleased to announce the formation of Musculoskeletal Clinical Regulatory Advisors, LLC (MCRA).
MCRA is a newly formed company within the VB family of companies with Marc R. Viscogliosi as President. The mission of MCRA is to enhance the value of client companies by managing the Clinical Research and Regulatory functions by assisting client companies through the complex and difficult pathways of US FDA regulatory approval processes.
Focusing on entrepreneur-based orthopedic companies, MCRA brings together in a synergistic manner the extensive network of VB along with specific expertise of the complex processes involved in Clinical and Regulatory management, making MCRA unique among this type of management company. MCRA brings real cost effectiveness to companies primarily backed by Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors, and Physician Founders and run by an entrepreneur by providing highly experienced, talented and dedicated professionals to manage the Regulatory and Clinical functions of these companies.
There are more than 1500 independent companies worldwide involved in the field of Musculoskeletal/Orthopedic Healthcare. These companies have pharmaceutical, biologic, biotechnical, medical device or combination products dealing with the six architectural tissues of the human body which are: skin, muscle, ligament, tendons, cartilage and bone. MCRA intends to be involved in all areas and products relating to the musculoskeletal/orthopedic field.
VB had recognized the need of many companies for a group to fulfill the critical Regulatory and Clinical functions. In undertaking this venture, the Viscogliosi Brothers are once again leading the industry as they did with their foresighted leadership in Spine Arthoplasty and the reprocessing of single-use and disposable devices. MCRA is currently located in New York City.
About Viscogliosi Bros., LLC
Established by Marc R. Viscogliosi, John J. Viscogliosi and Anthony G. Viscogliosi in New York City in 1999, VB was the first venture capital/private equity and merchant banking firm dedicated to the musculoskeletal/orthopedics sector of the health care industry. Today, VB is a leading independent firm with a mission to create, build and finance companies founded on innovations developed by surgeons and uniquely focused on “life changing” musculoskeletal/orthopedic technologies. VB has worldwide surgeon, industry and trade relationships and significant financial expertise in the musculoskeletal/orthopedic sector.
As principals of VB, the Viscogliosi brothers have a combined total of more than 35 years experience analyzing and investing in the musculoskeletal/orthopedics sector. The have pioneered innovative financial, strategic and management initiatives for companies in the sector, from start- up, seed and development stage all the way to exit, while helping thousands of people lead better lives through the orthopedic and spinal products marketed and sold by the companies they have assisted in developing and financing.
For more, visit: Contacts: Marc R. Viscogliosi Nick Kilsby Viscogliosi Brothers, LLC EKK PR (917) 254-6596 (203) 406-8800 ext. 21 (212) 583-9700 ext. 103
Viscogliosi Bros., LLC
CONTACT: Marc R. Viscogliosi of Viscogliosi Brothers, LLC,+1-917-254-6596 or +1-212-583-9700, ext. 103; Nick Kilsby of EKK PR,+1-203-406-8800, ext. 21
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