Sepha Ltd. Release: Pharma-Packaging Machinery Manufacturer Reports Record Year for Sales

[Belfast, 29 January 2013] The specialist machinery manufacturer, Sepha Ltd, which makes non-destructive leak detection and de-blistering machines for the global pharmaceutical industry has reported record sales for a second year running. Sales of its equipment, which includes the recently launched tool-less non-destructive blister pack inspection machine Visionscan, are up 40% in the last financial year (FY 2011-2012). The strong performance comes on the back of a 30% increase the previous year and has enabled the company to invest in an increase in its skilled workforce in the areas of customer support and R&D. Employment levels have risen by 60% over the past four years at its factory in Belfast, Northern Ireland, with many of the new positions filled by high calibre graduate recruits into the company’s R&D team.

95% of Sepha’s sales are exported around the world and the company is now selling its specialist leak detection and blister packing machinery to pharmaceutical companies across every major region. In the past year, the company has added Argentina, Colombia and New Zealand to the list of countries where it is currently doing business. Sepha CEO, John Haran said the company’s success is down to a three-pronged approach, “an increased focus on direct customer engagement, continued product innovation & product launches over the past two years, and being able to respond quickly to the changing regulatory requirements of our major customers.”

Underpinning the success has been an improved agent training and support programme, as well as global road-shows to supplement attendance at major international trade shows. “Rather than wait for new customers to visit our stands, we have been able to visit client facilities directly and provide live demonstrations of our machines utilizing their products. This has proven extremely beneficial and has demonstrated the cost saving and quality improvement benefits of equipment,” continued Mr Haran.

40% of the new orders are for Sepha’s non-destructive blister pack inspection machines such as Visionscan which uses hi-resolution imaging technology to test for leaks in the packaging of pharmaceutical tablets and capsules. These machines have given customers a flexible and lower cost entry-point into non-destructive leak detection which is more technologically advanced and reliable than traditional leak testing practices. Visionscan is the world’s first tool-less, vision-based leak detection machine for blister-packs. It has been developed to meet growing demand from pharmaceutical blister pack manufacturers for a low cost yet accurate and modern leak detection alternative to the blue dye test that can be integrated into their quality control systems. It uses high resolution camera imaging technology to detect defects in individual blister pockets and weak seals in less than 60 seconds. Because it is tool-less, 21 CFR Part 11 compliant and capable of detecting defects down to 15 micron, it is ideal for contract and generic manufacturers where speed, accuracy and multiple product change over is required.

About Sepha Ltd.: Sepha serves the needs of the global pharmaceutical blister packing and leak testing markets and is doing business with many of the world’s top pharmaceutical manufacturers including Boots, Bayer, Novartis and Wyeth. It designs and builds machines at its factory base near Dundonald and exports them to over 60 countries worldwide. For more information visit Ends.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Michele Filippi, MF Communication, Tel. ++44 (0)28 90769428 / ++44 (0)7717 436211