SanMedical International Release: Revolutionary “Anti-Aging” Compound Touted by America’s #1 Rated Doctor

NEW YORK, Feb. 20, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- A recent daytime television segment has people scrambling to get their hands on the new human growth hormone-boosting product SeroVital-hgh, and its manufacturer, SanMedica International, is scrambling to keep it in stock. “We’re thrilled with the response we’ve gotten since the show aired,” says Chantelle Daines, Media Consultant for SanMedica. “We just hope customers will accept our sincere apologies for the shortages and continue to be patient as we ramp up production.”

This frenzy started when America’s favorite “super doc” did a segment on human growth hormone (HGH), saying it is “fundamentally important to us staying youthful and vital.” Indeed, HGH has been touted to reduce wrinkles, boost energy, increase lean muscle mass, decrease body fat, recharge sex drive and make people look and feel decades not years, but decades younger.

Until recently, the only proven way of increasing HGH levels in the body was through the use of expensive prescription injections. But the doc revealed to his audience, “Now there’s a new frontier: stimulating your body’s production of growth hormones naturally with amino acids,” and later added, “I have been searching for this from the day we started the show. I’ve been looking for ways of increasing HGH naturally because I don’t like getting the injections.”

So just who is this “super doc”? None other than the famed Dr. Oz, who was referring to the research behind SeroVital-hgh, an oral amino acid compound clinically proven to increase bioactive, serum (blood) growth hormone levels by a mean of 682%. And although Dr. Oz doesn’t endorse any product, his enthusiasm for SeroVital’s research, which he referenced not once but twice during the segment, has really gotten people excited.

Of course, some skeptics are saying SeroVital sounds too good to be true. So is there a catch? Well, according to Ms. Daines there are actually three. She says, “First, as with HGH injections, SeroVital-hgh is not a ‘magic bullet’ but one part of a healthy lifestyle choice including a sensible diet and exercise regimen. And, just like HGH injections, you have to remember to renew your monthly supply.

“Second, you have to take SeroVital-hgh on an empty stomach. That means you either have to take it first thing in the morning and then not eat anything for two hours, or take it at night, at least two hours after your last meal... before you go to bed.

“And last but not least,” Ms. Daines continues, “while SeroVital is far less expensive than prescription HGH injections, it’s still not cheap... SeroVital will cost you about $100 a month. But is it worth it? To most people, reducing wrinkles, decreasing body fat, increasing lean muscle mass, strengthening bones, boosting mood, while giving you plenty of energy and improving sex drive is a no brainer. However, make no mistake about it, the ‘established’ medical community would say its benefits are largely anecdotal, with research that’s preliminary. But there’s no denying that something that has a chance of making you look and feel decades, not years, but DECADES younger, is... at the very least... irresistible.”

SeroVital-hgh is currently being sold at Ulta stores throughout the U.S. and will soon be available at Sephora, as well. If it’s sold out in stores (it’s selling like hot cakes ever since the Dr. Oz segment), try buying it directly from SanMedica at or 1-800-756-1957. Use promo code DROZ2 at checkout and shipping is free!*

*Free standard shipping in the continental U.S. only.
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SOURCE SanMedica International