NEXUSBioMed, in partnership with HUMANeX Ventures®, announces the launch of a comprehensive study of organizations that are committed to pursuing excellence and becoming industry leaders within the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, and nanotechnology industries.
Organizations selected to take part in the study will benefit from a partnership with NEXUSBioMed, a highly-specialized boutique executive search firm specializing in the physical and life sciences, and Kalamazoo-based HUMANeX Ventures®, a leading talent-driven consulting, training, coaching, research, and assessment firm.
Participating companies will be provided with an innovative, integrated approach to talent search, acquisition, and development as the results are measured and assessed. Their teams will be studied through structured interviews that help identify and define their top performers and the attributes that make them excellent in their roles. Their organizational cultures will be analyzed by HUMANeX Ventures® and leaders will be provided with feedback about how to take it to the next level.
As data is collected about the overall growth and improvement of each organization over time, the results will be published by the NEXUSBioMed/HUMANeX Ventures® partnership.
NEXUSBioMed is led by Adriana Petersen, a reputable search professional with more than 25 years of experience and in excess of 3,000 successful placements world-wide, and Michael Terlaak, a seasoned entrepreneur with a 20-year track record of successful ventures in a range of industries who leads the company’s NEXUSNanoTec division.
“We will work with companies that are motivated by achieving excellence,” said Terlaak. “Through our years of success and expertise in executive recruitment and our partnership with HUMANeX, we have the tools to take these promising organizations to the next level and help them achieve their greatest potential.”
“Through this study, we will apply our shared expertise and these companies will experience a level of growth, development, and success that was previously just out of reach,” added Petersen. “We can help them make that giant step toward greatness - then we’ll publish their accomplishments so the world can see that they are committed to success and excellence.”
The partnership currently is sourcing and selecting organizations within the following categories to participate in the study:
• Organizations emerging from early-stage, entering or ready to enter into the commercialization phase
• Mid-size companies with a great, high-potential products, services or technology but lacking proper culture and necessary leadership to take the organization to the next level
• Stand-alone divisions of major organizations with their own P&L, as well as internal decision-making capabilities
• Organizations with great technology, products or services, but struggling to succeed or that would like to go from good to great
To be considered for selection into this study, organizations must be willing to commit their time and make the financial investment associated with executive search and talent development services. In addition, organizations must agree to participate in the tracking, journaling and compilation of their practices to measure and demonstrate the application and success of the methodologies applied by NEXUSBioMed and HUMANeX Ventures®, as well as providing the partnership the right to publish the positive results.
“Our goal in this comprehensive study is to apply our combined instruments and expertise to the growth and success of companies in the sciences across America, then track the results and share with the world what is possible when you apply disciplined action to the pursuit of excellence,” said HUMANeX Ventures® President, CEO and founder, Brad Black. “We are eager to share these processes, tools and information and to change the face of the physical and life science industries.”
Black founded HUMANeX Ventures® to combine more than 25 years of his own experience in the development of human capital and building cultures of excellence with the expertise of a team of seasoned “Practitioner Scientists” who have driven scientifically-grounded talent selection practices for organizations across the country.
For additional information or if you believe your organization or an organization you know of should be considered for this study, please contact Michael Terlaak, Senior Partner at NEXUSBioMed at or Adriana Petersen, Managing Partner at NEXUSBioMed at All inquiries will be handled in strict confidentiality.
About NEXUSBioMed
Organizational excellence and success goes beyond the products, services, and technologies that companies develop or promote, but mostly based on the talent that leads those organizations. For over 25 years, the principals of NEXUSBioMed have assisted client companies in securing key leadership and building world-class teams of extraordinary professionals. For more information about NEXUSBioMed, please go to
About HUMANeX Ventures
Building on more than 35 years of research, development, and application, HUMANeX Ventures® experts created a unique and sophisticated set of selection, development, and assessment instruments to help leaders in organizations across the country identify and measure talent for a range of roles, professions and industries. Equipped with a team of “Practitioner-Scientists” and a broad range of applied experience from our seasoned professionals, HUMANeX Ventures® designed a unique set of concepts, instruments, processes and tools to help organizations select more individuals “like their best”, develop that talent to its fullest potential and build cultures that become models of excellence - every time. To learn more, visit