LANSING, Mich., Oct. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- In light of new information that the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are receiving complaints and inquiries about flu vaccine price gouging, Attorney General Mike Cox has assembled a response team to swiftly and aggressively respond to any Michigan complaints of flu vaccine price gouging. The Michigan Department of Attorney General will work with the CDC and other State Agencies to investigate and report any complaints that may be received by Cox’s Consumer Protection Division in the coming months.
“It is troubling that price gougers would take advantage of public health concerns to benefit themselves. My office will bring the full weight of the law to bear against any person or company engaging in such behavior in Michigan,” Cox warned.
On Thursday, Cox received word from U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson that the CDC will assist Cox’s office in collecting data on price gouging. The data will be shared with other agencies around the nation to ensure full cooperation at state and federal government levels for prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.
Although no complaints have been received yet, Attorney General Cox encourages any individual or health care provider concerned about possible vaccine price gouging to contact his Consumer Protection Bureau at 1-877-SOLVE-88 (1-877-765-8388). Complaints may also be filed 24 hours a day at . Individuals who file a complaint online should call to ensure that the complaint is immediately referred to the quick response team.
Michigan Attorney General
CONTACT: Randall Thompson of Michigan Attorney General’s Office,+1-517-373-8060
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