MD Stem Cells Release: Billion Cell Milestone Reached in Stem Cell Treatment

February 06, 2013 -- Most people would agree bigger is usually better. In stem cell treatments, more is usually better- more meaning the number of cells available to treat the patient.

“We’re very excited to report that in lab testing following our most recent stem cell treatment in Florida, the cell count on the delivered stem cell treatment exceeded every expectation” exclaimed Dr. Levy, President of MD Stem Cells. “We normally have excellent counts but are constantly striving to improve the number of cells. It is standard protocol to assess cell counts to help us understand how we can provide the maximum benefit to all eye patients. The more stem cells available, the greater the numbers which are available for treating retina and optic nerve eye problems. When we received the report back we were stunned to say the least. It was a new milestone for us- 1 billion and 926 million nucleated cells delivered in 14cc- almost 2 billion cells total. We were extremely pleased. “

Dr. Levy goes on to explain why the numbers are so important and what other factors play a role in clinical improvement for patients. “Patients sometimes see treatments as being equivalent between providers as long as they involve stem cells. This is not necessarily true. MD Stem Cells is associated with Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells (BMSC) otherwise known as human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. In terms of adult stem cells, Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells are considered by many researchers to be the closest to the neural or ectodermal derived cells of the retina and optic nerve. Careful harvesting is absolutely critical to obtaining a high stem cell concentration and avoiding dilution with peripheral blood” asserted Dr. Levy.

“The separation technique is also vital to maintain cell viability” Dr. Levy indicated. “Minimal manipulation is used and drugs or chemical substances which might affect the cells are avoided throughout the procedure. The separation is also done directly in the operating room with the patient present so the amount of time the cells are outside the body is at an absolute minimum. The approach has been perfected so as to obtain as pure a nucleated cell fraction as possible”. “Finally the actual technique of placing the cells is paramount. Our retinal surgeon is an expert at all injections behind, adjacent and inside the eyes. His surgical acumen is exceptional and this is of great advantage for transferring the stem cells gently and into proper position.”

“If you have a higher concentration in the volume of cells provided behind, adjacent and potentially within the eye, there is greater opportunity for tissue uptake of cells and interaction. It may also provide higher levels of certain growth factors that have been shown to be important in stem cell treatments” opined Dr. Levy.

MD Stem Cells and Dr. Levy believe that the increased number of stem cells combined with precise placement may explain the more rapid and vigorous improvements in the eye patients. The total number of photoreceptors in the human eye is estimated to be about 120 million rods which are more sensitive to light and 7 million cones which are sensitive to color. In addition there are an estimated 1.5 million nerve fibers in the optic nerve. The higher number of stem cells may be particularly important for the volume of specialized cells in the target tissues.

MD Stem Cells is a trusted source of the latest information regarding clinically available adult stem cell treatments, coordinates patient referrals and manages the treatment process for patients and providers. If you or a family member has eye disease or another chronic neurologic or medical condition get the facts about improvements that can be provided by the right team of doctors. Email Dr. Levy at or visit our website: Follow us on Twitter: