BRYN MAWR, Pa., Feb. 21, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Kendall Life Sciences (KLS), a leading life sciences compliance and business consulting group, announced the official launch of a new website development and design service offering for life sciences companies that seek a cost-effective, creative and efficient alternative to large marketing and advertising agencies or those agencies that service a variety of industries. This service offering was developed to support the increased client demand that the KLS team assist with pharmaceutical, medical device and biotech company corporate and product-related website development design, redesign, modifications and maintenance. The KLS team also works with clients to develop and/or implement their internet strategies which includes conceptualizing their online presence, developing the most appropriate visual and technical approach for their business, and most importantly, achieving tangible results.
“In the life sciences industry, internet marketing and online presence is crucial. Clients consistently requested that the KLS team step-in to directly collaborate on creative marketing ideas including overall internet marketing strategies and online content development noting that separate marketing or advertising agencies were not meeting all their needs as a life sciences business. KLS better understands client goals, industry regulations and best practices which leads to stronger collaborations, time and resource efficiencies and a final website product,” said Jamie Kendall, the Principal of Kendall Life Sciences. “KLS combines its industry knowledge and technological website design and expertise to work collaboratively with each client to optimize time, money and internal resources which results in superior websites that align with marketing goals and objectives as well as industry regulations, guidances and best practices.”
Kendall Life Sciences is a unique, specialized life sciences consulting company that offers compliance and regulatory solutions specifically designed for each client. KLS professionals have a core background in life sciences regulatory, corporate and commercial compliance combined with industry experience. This specialized subject matter expertise differentiates the KLS team and enables them to provide clients with proven life sciences problem-solving methodologies, unique skill sets and a track record of helping companies achieve their goals.
For more information on Kendall Life Sciences’ new service offering, please visit