ARTECH S.R.L, CAVEZZO (MO), was appointed as CNOGA’s distributor in Italy for their Tensor Tip™ Non-invasive cuff-less & needle-free blood-monitoring devices.
OR AKIVA, Israel, June 1, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --
CNOGA medical Ltd, a leading developer and manufacturer of Non-invasive medical monitoring device, is pleased to announce that they have signed a distribution agreement with ARTECH S.R.L. CAVEZZO MO, Italy to distribute CNOGA’s Tensor Tip™ Non-invasive devices in Italy.
The MTX non-invasive device, from CNOGA’s Tensor Tip™ Family, is capable of monitoring 14 parameters, such as Blood Pressure (Systolic, Diastolic and MAP-Mean Arterial Pressure), Pulse, Blood Carbon Dioxide (PCO2, CO2), Oxygen (PO2, O2), Oxygen Saturation (sPO2), Blood pH, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Red Blood Cells, Stroke Volume, Cardiac Output and more, as well as live Waveforms of blood pressure and Pulse, all in one compact portable device.
Prof. Sergio Pillon, President of “National Observatory on E-health and Telemedicine” ONSET, and a Member of the Advisory Board of eHealth Ventures said: “Such new technologies enable monitoring parameters that, until now, could only be monitored through invasive tests conducted exclusively in specialist laboratories and in hospitals. The opportunities offered by CNOGA’s technology can greatly reduce emergency room visits and contribute to the physicians’ empowerment. Within seconds, the doctor can have a broad patient-assessment saved on his computer and, if needed, transmitted to the specialist for a second opinion”.
Prof. Pillon also noted: “The waveform analysis can provide even more relevant data, with continuous blood pressure, O2 saturation, stroke volume, cardiac output and all other parameters stored for offline analysis”.
Dr. Yosef Segman, founder and CEO of CNOGA Medical said: “CNOGA Medical is committed to improving the quality of life for both chronic patients and healthy people, while providing the medical professional with instant access to clinical information that otherwise currently takes days to obtain by traditional methods, thus making a tremendous impact on the efficiency of the treatment”.
Mr. Alon Kapel, Regional Sales Director of CNOGA Medical added: “We are excited to work with ARTECH, an experienced Italian distributor, to promote CNOGA products in Italy. We believe that the MTX will revolutionize the way general practitioners, medical professionals in clinics, hospitals, e-health providers or retirement homes, treat their patients, by providing them with flexible, fast, pain-free, easy to use and safe medical analysis.
“It is an honor for us to enter into this partnership with CNOGA Medical. We share the same vision and I’m confident that bringing together CNOGA knowledge as a leading vendor and ARTECH’s skills and track record as a distributor will let us meet the markets’ need: obtaining clinical data in a fast and affordable manner, in order to optimally treat patients while reducing hospital expenditure.” Emilio Contini, ARTECH president, commented. “We believe in this development and, therefore, created a new team and a new company, ARTECH Virtual Clinic that relies on CNOGA’s exceptional technology that will allow us to play a leading role in the Italian e-health market”.
About CNOGA Products
TensorTip™ Matrix™ (MTX) is a non-invasive device for measuring Hemodynamics (Pulse, Blood Pressure, Cardiac Output, Stroke Volume, MAP (Mean Arterial Pressure)), blood gases (pH, PCO2, PO2, CO2, O2) and Blood Chemistry Hemoglobin (Hb), Hematocrit (Hct) and Red Blood Count (RBC).
TensorTip™ Vital Sign Monitor (VSM) measures vital signs non-invasively such as Blood Pressure, Pulse and SPO2 (saturation) and is an entry-level version of the MTX device.
CNOGA’s products have received the CE mark clearance for use in the European Union, as well as been approved for sale in more than 35 countries
About CNOGA Medical Ltd.
CNOGA Medical Ltd., a privately held international company, with offices in Israel, China, & Brazil, was founded in 2004 by Dr. Yosef Segman, a technology innovator and entrepreneur, who has led the product development from the early stages through a strategic partnership with Texas Instruments Inc., to commercialization.
CNOGA’s Medical Advisor is Prof. Dr. Uriel Trahtemberg, MD/PhD Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.
About Artech
ARTECH srl is an Italian distributor of biomedical devices mainly in the field of interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery. Physicians perceive ARTECH as a great value-added partner, helping them to select and utilize new technologies in order to improve their patients’ health and quality of life. ARTECH recently created ARTECH VIRTUAL CLINIC, a new company dedicated to e-health.
Press Contact Information:
CNOGA Medical
Alon Kapel:
Roberto Blandino:
Prof. Sergio Pillon