Wilmington, Delaware – December 02, 2016, CloudLIMS.com, a class-leading provider of Laboratory Management solutions, has released a new version of its SaaS LIMS, CloudLIMS Lite. CloudLIMS Lite helps biobanks, clinical, research and testing laboratories keep track of their biospecimens, right from sample entry through labeling, storing, shipping and disposal. The new version is a faster and a more efficient product, allowing batch processing of data, inventory tracking, kit management and centralized single click operations coupled with an intuitive interface.
Here is a list of some of the key functionality released:
• Enhanced Batch Editing: The batch editing function, available only for samples, is now extended to aliquots and derivatives, wherein, multiple records can be edited all at once.
• Centralized Sample Management: All activities performed on samples can be managed from the Storage module, enabling single click operations
• Barcode Generation & Label Designing for Lab Inventory: In addition to samples, barcodes and labels can be generated to define your labware for easy tracking of kits, glassware, reagents, chemical supplies and other consumables.
• Database Backup & Restore Mechanism: We already offer data backup services along with product hosting. Should you have the need to take a backup at any time, we have now provided the functionality, especially if your product is hosted on a private cloud. You can even take the same backup and put it back in the product using the Restore mechanism.
• Kit management: Sample collection kits can easily be managed for proper collection, handling, and storage of biospecimens. Kits can then be associated with patients and samples for managing clinical studies.
“Among the many advances in CloudLIMS Lite 1.58, you will see an improved user interface-developed with extensive customer input-that greatly enhances usability,” said Arun Apte, Chief Executive Officer at CloudLIMS.com. “The new release offers the functionality to streamline and simplify routine laboratory operations. Our goal is to deliver flexible, secure and scalable data management solutions at an affordable price!”, continued Arun Apte.
About CloudLIMS
Established in 2013, CloudLIMS.com is an energetic team of professionals dedicated to producing cutting edge laboratory automation solutions. Our mission is to provide affordable solutions that are scalable, configurable and secure for use in biorepositories, research and testing laboratories. More information is available at: www.cloudlims.com.