“We are very excited with our product position and timing with the release of this therapeutic alternative to Plavix,” said Timothy I. Still, President and CEO of Accumetrics. “We feel the VerifyNow System can dramatically contribute to a physician’s ability to enhance care for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and receiving the antiplatelet therapy that follows. In having this alternative therapy, physicians can now utilize the results of the VerifyNow System to assist in the selection of the therapy that best achieves the desired antiplatelet effect.”
About Accumetrics (www.accumetrics.com)
Accumetrics is committed to advancing medical understanding of platelet function and enhancing quality of care for patients receiving antiplatelet therapies by providing industry-leading and widely accessible diagnostic tests for rapid platelet function assessment.
The Accumetrics logo and VerifyNow are registered trademarks of Accumetrics, Inc. ReoPro is a registered trademark of Centocor, Inc. Integrilin is a registered trademark of Millennium Pharmaceuticals. Plavix is a registered trademark of Sanofi-Aventis. Effient is a registered trademark of Lilly-Daiichi Sankyo.
SOURCE Accumetrics
CONTACT: Jules Abraham of Lippert/Heilshorn & Associates, +1-212-838-3777,
jabraham@lhai.com for Accumetrics; or Timothy I. Still, President and CEO
of Accumetrics, +1-858-404-8260, press@accumetrics.com
Web site: http://www.accumetrics.com/