Twin Survives Abortion

A MOTHER who gave birth to a baby girl despite having gone through an abortion is to sue the NHS for £250,000. In the first legal action of its kind in Britain, Stacy Dow is claiming her local NHS trust should pay to help her raise the daughter she never expected to have. Miss Dow was 16 when she found out she was six weeks’ pregnant with twins. She decided immediately to have an abortion, and the procedure was carried out at Perth Royal Infirmary later in the same week. She was assured by hospital staff that there was no live material visible in her uterus, and she was then given a contraceptive injection and advised that it could induce side effects such as weight gain and an erratic menstrual cycle. When she subsequently started to experience rapid weight gain, she assumed it was as a result of the injection. But on returning to her doctor after 33 weeks, she was told one of the foetuses had survived the abortion and was only seven weeks from being born - too late for a legal termination.