The Day In Review: Cephalon, Inc. Claims Clean Bill Of Health For Sparlon

April 19, 2006 -- Cephalon reported that Sparlon, its ADHD drug, did not cause any serious skin rash, the alleged side effect that prevented the FDA advisory committee from recommending Sparlon; Acadia said a trial of its sedative, ACP-103, validated the drug as an effective sleep aid; Inspire Pharma received a $1.25 million milestone from Santen Pharma of Japan for its dry eye therapy; according to Cel-Sci, CEL-1000 produced adjuvant activity when given together with malaria vaccines; Abraxis BioScience emerged out of the marriage of American Pharmaceutical and its corporate parent; MannKind reported positive data from a Phase II trial of its inhaled insulin product; Northstar Neuroscience will seek to sell 6 million shares in a range from $12 to $14 in its IPO; Amgen encountered some fairly determined selling after being slightly light in revenues during Q1. The Centient Biotech 200™ was off by 14 points at 3823.25, a loss of .37%. More details...