Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada on September 14, 2020

In lieu of an in-person update to the media, Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, issued the following statement

OTTAWA, ON, Sept. 14, 2020 /CNW/ - In lieu of an in-person update to the media, Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, issued the following statement today:

“There have been 136,659 cases of COVID-19 in Canada, including 9,171 deaths. 88% of people have now recovered. Labs across Canada tested 47,806 people daily over the past week with 1.1% testing positive. An average of 618 new cases have been reported daily during the most recent seven days.

As fall approaches, I continue to urge all Canadians to keep up our collective efforts to control the spread of COVID-19 in Canada.

Be aware of the risks for exposure in your area and make informed decisions based on the latest advice, including recommendations of local public health authorities in your area.

We cannot let our guard down now. We have worked too hard and come too far. Continue good public health practices to reduce your risk of getting infected and spreading the infection to others.

  • If you have any symptoms, even mild ones, stay home and stay away from others, except to get tested and to seek medical attention if needed;
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available;
  • Cough and sneeze into a tissue or the bend of your arm;
  • Stick to a small and consistent circle of in-person close contacts;
  • Practise physical distancing by keeping a 2-metre distance from people who are not part of your household or small, consistent close contacts bubble; and
  • Wear a non-medical mask or face covering, when physical distancing is not possible.

Taking these precautions will help keep you and those you care about safe, while reducing the spread of COVID-19 in Canada.”

SOURCE Public Health Agency of Canada