St. Baldrick’s Foundation Announces the Childhood Cancer STAR Act Approved by Senate, Moves to House of Representatives

The St. Baldrick’s Foundation, the largest private funder of childhood cancer research grants, is pleased to announce that the Childhood Cancer Survivorship Treatment Access and Research (STAR) Act has been passed by the Senate, and is now being sent to the House of Representatives for consideration.

LOS ANGELES, March 23, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The St. Baldrick’s Foundation, the largest private funder of childhood cancer research grants, is pleased to announce that the Childhood Cancer Survivorship Treatment Access and Research (STAR) Act has been passed by the Senate, and is now being sent to the House of Representatives for consideration. The Childhood Cancer STAR Act is an important piece of bipartisan legislation that will advance pediatric cancer research and child-focused cancer treatments. The Act will also improve childhood cancer surveillance and provide enhanced resources for survivors and those impacted by kids’ cancers.

“Today, we celebrate a huge milestone in the childhood cancer community,” said Kathleen Ruddy, CEO of the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. “The Senate’s passing of the STAR Act brings us one step closer to improving outcomes for kids with cancer by helping kids get access to lifesaving treatments and maximizing childhood cancer survivors’ quality of life by more and better research. We are so grateful for the many senators and members of congress, organizations, parents, friends and volunteers who joined together to advocate for this important legislation in recent years.”

As the number one cause of death by disease for kids in the U.S., childhood cancer is a major health issue. One in five children diagnosed with cancer will not survive, and those who do, often suffer long-term effects from treatment too harsh for their developing bodies. The STAR Act is a significant step in furthering children’s cancer research efforts, enhancing the quality of life for survivors, as well as accomplishing St. Baldrick’s mission to conquer kids’ cancers.

St. Baldrick’s encourages citizens to contact their Members of the House of Representatives and ask that they make childhood cancer research a priority by passing the STAR Act promptly. Click here to email your representatives today. People can also Tweet their representatives, asking them to pass the bill.

For more information about St. Baldrick’s involvement in leading advocacy efforts for the STAR Act, or to join St. Baldrick’s advocacy action network, Speak Up for Kids’ Cancer, visit

About St. Baldrick’s Foundation
As the largest private funder of childhood cancer research grants, the St. Baldrick’s Foundation believes that kids are special and deserve to be treated that way. St. Baldrick’s is leading the charge to take childhood back from cancer by funding some of the most brilliant childhood cancer research experts who are working to find cures and better treatments for all childhood cancers. Kids need treatments as unique as they are - and that starts with funding research just for them. Join us at to help support the best cancer treatments for kids.